November 2004
The Gerontological Society of America
OHSU's Archbold wins GSA's 2004 Doris Schwartz Gerontological Nursing AwardThe Gerontological Society of America has chosen Dr. Patricia G. Archbold, the Elnora E. Thomson Distinguished Professor at Oregon Health Sciences University's School of Nursing, as the recipient of the Doris Schwartz Gerontological Nursing Award. This distinguished honor, presented by GSA's Clinical Medicine section in collaboration with the John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing, is given to a member of the Society in recognition of outstanding and sustained contribution to geriatric nursing research.
The award presentation will take place at GSA's 57th Annual Scientific Meeting, which will be held from November 19th-23rd, 2004 in Washington, DC. The actual conferral will occur on Saturday the 20th at 5:30 p.m. in the Hampton Ballroom of the Omni Shoreham Hotel. The meeting is organized to foster interdisciplinary interactions among gerontological health care clinical, administrative, and research professionals.
Dr. Archbold's research focuses on family care for frail elders and on new methods that home health nurses and health care systems can use to better serve elders and their families.
The breakthrough findings from her research have led to new ways of thinking about how the discipline of nursing can best support families caring for frail elders.
The Gerontological Society of America (GSA), founded in 1945, is the oldest and largest national multidisciplinary scientific organization devoted to the advancement of gerontological research. Its membership includes some 5,000+ researchers, educators, practitioners, and other professionals in the field of aging. The Society's principal missions are to promote research and education in aging and to encourage the dissemination of research results to other scientists, decision makers, and practitioners.
Information about the Gerontological Society of America, its awards, and its 57th Annual Scientific Meeting can be found online at http://www.geron.org.
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