February 2004

The Gerontological Society of America

Now accepting nominations for the $2,500 M. Powell Lawton Award

The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) is now accepting nominations for the 2004 M. Powell Lawton Award. The Philadelphia Geriatric Center's Polisher Research Institute of the Madlyn and Leonard Abramson Center sponsors the M. Powell Lawton Award for Jewish Life. It is presented annually to an individual to honor contributions from applied research that have benefited older people and their care. The award is named in memory of M. Powell Lawton for his outstanding contributions to applied gerontological research. The winner of the Lawton Award presents a lecture at the Society's Annual Scientific Meeting the following year. The Lawton Award Lecture is one of the highlights of the Society's Annual Scientific Meeting. This year's Annual Scientific Meeting will be held November 19-23, 2004 in Washington, DC.

The award recognizes a significant contribution in gerontology that has led to an innovation in gerontological treatment, practice or service, prevention, amelioration of symptoms or barriers, or a public policy change that has led to some practical application that improves the lives of older persons. Although research is the usual origin of such contributions, leadership in defining and implementing a creative program may also be recognized. The award also honors an individual for exemplifying one or more of the outstanding professional and personal qualities of the late M. Powell Lawton.

Nominees can be a person from any discipline who has made such a contribution to applied gerontology. Nominations must be made or endorsed by a member of The Gerontological Society of America although nominees need not be members of GSA. Nominations of candidates in the early or mid stages of their career are encouraged.

The award consists of a cash award of $2,500 and a certificate. In addition, if the awardee has no support for attending the GSA Annual Meeting, up to $1,000 can be made available for the awardee's travel and per diem expenses.

The deadline for the M. Powell Lawton Award is May 5, 2004. For further details and to obtain a nomination form for this award, please visit The Gerontological Society of America's Web Site at http://www.geron.org/awards.htm or contact Christina Leone, Awards Coordinator, at [email protected].

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004