November 2004

The Gerontological Society of America

Duke University's Cohen wins The Gerontological Society of America's 2004 Donald P. Kent Award

The Gerontological Society of America has chosen Dr. Harvey Jay Cohen of the Duke University Medical Center as the 2004 recipient of the Donald P. Kent Award. This distinguished honor is given annually to a GSA member who best exemplifies the highest standards for professional leadership in gerontology through teaching, service, and interpretation of gerontology to the larger society.

The award presentation will take place at GSA's 57th Annual Scientific Meeting, which will be held from November 19th-23rd, 2004 in Washington, DC. The actual conferral will occur on Saturday the 20th at 12:15 p.m. in Salon 1-M of the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel. The meeting is organized to foster interdisciplinary interactions among gerontological health care clinical, administrative, and research professionals.

Dr. Cohen was the originator of Duke University's Geriatrics Fellowship and directed it for over 20 years. Most of the graduates of this program have gone on to academic careers in geriatric medicine and are now well-known in the field. At GSA, he has served as President, Chair of the Clinical Medicine Section, a member of the Public Policy Committee, and the Publication Committee.

Cohen is also a previous winner of GSA's Joseph T. Freeman Award. His popular book, Taking Care After 50: A Self-Care Guide for Seniors is but one example of his successful interpretation of science and geriatric medicine for older people and their families.

He has also served a number of agencies that support gerontological research and geriatric education. He has served on the boards of both the Hartford and Reynolds Foundations' aging programs. He is renowned for his expertise in hematology-oncology and his work in cancer and aging.

The Kent award was created in 1973 in memory of Donald P. Kent for his outstanding leadership in translating research findings into practical use. The winner traditionally presents a lecture at the Annual Scientific Meeting the following year. The Kent Lecture is expected to be one of the conference's highlights.

The Gerontological Society of America (GSA), founded in 1945, is the oldest and largest national multidisciplinary scientific organization devoted to the advancement of gerontological research. Its membership includes some 5,000+ researchers, educators, practitioners, and other professionals in the field of aging. The Society's principal missions are to promote research and education in aging and to encourage the dissemination of research results to other scientists, decision makers, and practitioners.

Information about the Gerontological Society of America, its awards, and its 57th Annual Scientific Meeting can be found online at

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004