May 2004

The Earth Institute at Columbia University

Real climate sciences

Columbia University tours it's climate research labs

Abrupt Climate Change: Hollywood Hype or Scientific Fact? Talk to Scientists and Tour the Labs of the Leading Center for Climate Change, Columbia University's Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory

The news media will have a chance to question award�winning scientists about abrupt climate change, among them Newberry Professor of Earth & Environmental Sciences Wally Broecker. His discovery of the oceans' Great Conveyor Belt is at the center of the anticipated thriller on climate change.

Could the next ice age occur "The Day After Tomorrow," in a decade, or in a century? Learn the best that science can offer. See how melting ice in the northern hemisphere could slow or even stall the conveyor making the tropics more rainy and the north a frozen wasteland by visiting The Core Repository, Tracer Lab and Tree Ring Lab. It happened before and it could happen again!

What: News Conference and Campus Lab Tour

When: Thursday, May 13, 2004
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Where: Columbia University Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory*
Monell Building, auditorium
61 Route 9W
Palisades, NY

Lunch: Lunch will be provided, please indicate any dietary needs when you RSVP

RSVP: Vilma Gallagher 212-854-9745

Bus Service is available leaving the Morningside Campus at 116 and Amsterdam, promptly at 10:30 a.m. returning at 1:45 p.m.

Driving from New York City & Long Island (20 minutes from northern Manhattan)
Take the upper level of the George Washington Bridge to the first exit (Palisades Interstate Parkway). Proceed north on the parkway for a distance of approximately 10 miles to Exit 4 (Rte. 9W). At the end of the exit ramp at the stoplight, turn left onto Rte. 9W North and proceed north for a distance of approximately 200 yards. Lamont-Doherty will be on your right. Proceed to the Monell Building auditorium. A campus map can be viewed at

Media Briefing and Tour
Contact: Mary Tobin

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004