October 2004

Stevens Institute of Technology

Second International Workshop on Microplasmas

HOBOKEN, N.J. -- The Department of Physics at Stevens Institute of Technology will host the Second International Workshop on Microplasmas, Oct. 6-8, on the Stevens campus in Hoboken, N.J. For full information on registration, location and transport, please visit: www.stevens.edu/plasma/IWM-2004.

The First International Workshop on Microplasmas took place in February 2003 in Hyogo, Japan, and was organized by Professor Kunihide Tachibana of Kyoto University.

Dr. Kurt Becker, professor and director of Physics at Stevens, organized the three-day conference. "There are exciting scientific and emerging technological opportunities involving plasmas with linear dimensions in �m-range, with operating pressures up to and exceeding atmospheric pressure," said Becker. "That will be the subject of our workshop, devoted exclusively to the science and applications of these microplasmas and microdischarges."

The workshop program will feature Invited Plenary Talks (45 minutes) and Invited Progress Reports (30 minutes). All Contributed Papers will be presented in a single Poster Session. In addition, there will be a symposium on "Environmental and Biological Applications of Microplasmas" organized and sponsored by the Center for Environmental Systems (CES) at Stevens, directed by Dr. Christos Christodoulatos. Becker is also an associate director of the CES.

For further information, please contact Dr. Becker at [email protected], (T) 201-216-5671, (F) 201-216-5638.

Established in 1870, Stevens offers baccalaureate, masters and doctoral degrees in engineering, science, computer science, management and technology management, as well as a baccalaureate in the humanities and liberal arts, and in business and technology. The university has enrollments of approximately 1,780 undergraduates and 2,700 graduate students, and a current enrollment of 2,250 online-learning students worldwide. Additional information may be obtained from its web page at www.Stevens.edu.

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This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004