December 2004

Stevens Institute of Technology

Howe School ranked among top 10 for research excellence in management of technology

Credit given to 'Blockbusters' co-authors Lynn and Reilly and project management expert Shenhar

HOBOKEN, N.J. — A recent article in the Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM) ranked Stevens Institute of Technology in the Top 10 of universities pursuing and publishing Management of Technology (MOT) research. Stevens' Wesley J. Howe School of Technology Management placed in the second tier behind Georgia Tech, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Rutgers University and Stanford University.

" We beat out a number of well-known schools, including the University of Michigan, The Wharton School, and UCLA," said The Howe School's Associate Dean for Research, Dr. Edward A. Stohr.

"This recognition is a confirmation of the real value that a Howe School education provides to America's corporate leaders," said the Dean of The Howe School, Jerry MacArthur Hultin, a former Under Secretary of the Navy and an advisor to major corporations. "What makes The Howe School unique is our daily contact with executives and managers of the leading global corporations in finance, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, and defense. Our world-class faculty — many of them with real world corporate experience — use their insights and experience to design and implement our research and our courses. The result is that Howe School students get great jobs and promotions based on the real value they provide using their cutting-edge, technology management skills."

The author of the JPIM article ranked only schools that had at least three researchers each with three or more articles in the top eight MOT journals between 1998 and 2002. (For the complete article, see Jonathan D. Linton, PERSPECTIVE: Ranking Business Schools on the Management of Technology, The Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2(1) 2004, pp.416-430.)

"The Howe School's three outstanding researchers were Professors Gary Lynn, Richard Reilly and Aaron Shenhar, and The Howe School was cited for a total of 13 authorships in this period. Hearty congratulations to Gary, Dick and Aaron and their co-authors for their great work," said Stohr. "This is a tremendous achievement and a great source of prestige for Stevens."

In 2002, Lynn and Reilly published the landmark book Blockbusters, which was selected as one of the most important publications in management by Manageris Executive Book Summaries of France and one of the key management books published that year by Soundview Executive Book Summaries. Blockbusters summarizes the results of their ten-year study of more than 700 new product teams. It has been translated into Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Russian.

Shenhar, Institute Professor of Management in The Howe School, was honored as the first recipient of the Project Management Institute Research Achievement Award. Shenhar was recognized for the many significant contributions that his scholarly research has made to the advancement of the practice of project management. One of Shenhar's outstanding contributions cited by Project Management Institute was a study that considered the strengths and weaknesses of more than 600 industrial projects.

"This ranking study has implications to all stakeholder groups associated with an MOT-oriented business school," writes the article's author. "The stakeholders considered here are students, faculty, administrators, and industry. If a Ph.D. student is interested in the field of management of technology, it is highly advisable that they study where there are faculty members with active research programs present. Consequently, ranking — especially research-based rankings — are critical in assisting Ph.D. students identify the most appropriate schools to pursue studies."

The Journal of Product Innovation Management is an A-level, peer-reviewed journal published by the Product Development and Management Association, the leading association for innovation/technology management.

About Stevens Institute of Technology

Established in 1870, Stevens offers baccalaureate, masters and doctoral degrees in engineering, science, computer science, management and technology management, as well as a baccalaureate in the humanities and liberal arts, and in business and technology. The university has enrollments of approximately 1,740 undergraduates and 2,600 graduate students. Additional information may be obtained from its web page at

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This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004