August 2004
Smithsonian Institution
Naturalists of the Isthmus of PanamaIn 1998, Stanley Heckadon presented Naturalistas del Istmo de Panama, a compendium of short articles he authored about the scientific explorers who catalogued Panama's natural wealth, originally published in the "Epocas" supplement of Panama City's newspaper, La Prensa. As part of STRI's contribution to Panama's Centennial Celebrations in 2003, Heckadon presents the English translation. "This book not only is an extremely valuable contribution to our knowledge of the history of natural sciences in this strategic region of the tropics, but also outlines the early history of STRI and of other outstanding research centers who have worked in Panama such as: the American Museum of Natural History, the Missouri Botanical Garden, the Field Museum of Natural History and Harvard's Museum of Comparative Zoology," writes STRI Director, Ira Rubinoff, in his introductory remarks.
Explorers include: Berthold Seemann, Joseph von Warscewicz, Wilmot Brown Jr., Henri Pittier, Edward Goldman, Seth Meek, Samuel Hildebrand, James Zetek, C.W. Powell, Frank M. Chapman, Ludlow Griscom, Paul C. Stanley, George Procter Cooper, Paul Allen, Alexander Wetmore and Eugene Eisenmann Brandon.
Reference: Heckadon-Moreno, Stanley. 2004. Naturalists on the Isthmus of Panama: A Hundred Years of Natural History on the Biological Bridge of the Americas. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. 271pp.
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