February 2004

Society for Women's Health Research

Women's group seeking nominations for annual media awards

As advances in research are made and Americans are increasingly empowered to understand their own health, it is more important than ever to ensure that media coverage of medical research findings is both accurate and appropriately represented. The Society for Women's Health Research has worked with many journalists over the years to provide information to millions of readers, viewers and listeners. We want to honor those journalists who stand out.

For details on the 2004 media awards program, visit the Society's Web site: http://www.womens-health.org/0javascripts/dropinnav.htm?/press/journalismaward.htm

From there, the entry form, award criteria, and entry guidelines can be downloaded. Nomination forms and the nominated article or taped report should be sent to Amy Hoskins at [email protected], via fax to 202-833-3472 or by mail to: Society for Women's Health Research; P.O. Box 65773; Washington, D.C. 20035-5773.

Please direct all inquiries to Amy Hoskins at [email protected]. Submissions must be postmarked by May 31, 2004. Nominees and their nominators will be notified about the award decision in September and the award ceremony (which will take place later in the fall at a location to be announced) to honor the winners, who will receive $1,000 and a plaque.

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004