February 2004
Major boost for European zebrafish researchEuropean Commission awards 12 million Euros to study zebrafish models for human development and diseaseThe zebrafish, a popular aquarium fish, is ideally suited to study the fundamental processes underlying embryonic development and the genetic basis of diseases. In recent years it has become one of the favourite model organisms of academic scientists and the biotech industry, and deciphering of its genome is already underway.
In the face of strong transatlantic competition, the European Commission has now decided to boost European zebrafish research by making it a flagship project of its 6th Framework Programme. The Integrated Project, ZF-MODELS, will bring together 15 leading European research institutions (see list below). Over five years, these institutions will receive a total budget of 12,400,000 Euros. 12,000,000 Euros will be contributed by the European Commission and 400,000 Euros by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
The partners of the ZF-MODELS project will join forces to work towards a common goal: to gain new insights into the genetic control of fundamental biological processes relevant for human disease, such as development, physiology and behaviour. The results, they hope, will form a basis for the development of new or improved therapies. Targets of the project will be common diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, muscular dystrophies, eye diseases and behavioural disorders, as well as resistance to infections and wound healing.
To reach its aims the project will use advanced scientific tools that have only recently been developed by zebrafish researchers, and apply them on a massive scale and in an integrated fashion. Highlights of the project will include:
Mutagenesis projects that will bring together scientists from all over Europe to examine zebrafish carrying genetic mutations. In addition to the mutants with defects in early development identified in previous projects, a focus will be on mutations that affect the adult fish, since these are of special interest for human diseases.
The analysis of the activity (expression) of tens of thousands of zebrafish genes on gene chips (microarrays) that will help to understand how they regulate each other's activity during normal development, and how this regulation is disturbed in mutants.
The generation of thousands of fish expressing Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) controlled by the enhancer sequences of specific genes. Under UV light, tissues of these fish will light up indicating wherever the respective gene is active.
A facility to knock-out genes that will provide European researchers with zebrafish mutants for specific genes on demand. This will let them study genes of particular interest for which no mutant is found in the mutagenesis projects. The knock-out fish will be suitable as models for human diseases and the development of therapies.
A European zebrafish database that will integrate all project data in a three-dimensional anatomical atlas of zebrafish development, linked with the relevant gene activities. This database will be accessible through the project web site (www.zf-models.org) and will be open to scientists and the interested public world-wide.
The funding of the ZF-MODELS project by the European Commission comes at a crucial stage. The integration of the major European zebrafish labs in this project will further increase the competitive position of European zebrafish research. The substantial funding granted to the project will allow the creation and integration of the necessary critical mass of multidisciplinary expertise and excellence needed to tackle the ambitious objectives of the project.
The project is coordinated by the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology in T�bingen, Germany. Dr. Robert Geisler is the project's Scientific Coordinator, Dr. Ralf Dahm is the Project Manager and Nobel Laureate Prof. Christiane N�sslein-Volhard chairs the project's Executive Committee.
The project officially began on January, 1st 2004 and will be kicked-off with a meeting of the partners to be held at the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology in T�bingen from February, 14th-15th 2004.
Partners of ZF-MODELS Integrated Project:
Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science Munich, Germany
Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology T�bingen, Germany Contact: Dr. Robert Geisler (Scientific Coordinator) Phone: 49-7071-601443 Email: [email protected]
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics Dresden, Germany Contact: Prof. Michael Brand Phone: 49-351-2102514 Email: [email protected]
Max Planck Institute for Immune Biology Freiburg, Germany Contact: Dr. Matthias Hammerschmidt Phone: 49-761-5108495 Email: [email protected]
Genome Research Ltd The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute Cambridge, United Kingdom Contact: Dr. Jane Rogers Phone: 44-1223-494938 Email: [email protected]
Institute de G�n�tique et de Biologie Mol�culaire et Cellulaire Illkirch, France Contact: Dr. Christine Thisse Phone: 33-388-653360 Email: [email protected]
Hubrecht Laboratory, Netherlands Institute for Developmental Biology Utrecht, The Netherlands Contact: Prof. Ronald Plasterk Phone: 31-30-2121963 Email: [email protected]
The University of Sheffield Sheffield, United Kingdom Contact: Prof. Philip Ingham Phone: 44-114-2222710 Email: [email protected]
University College London London, United Kingdom Contact: Prof. Stephen Wilson Phone: 44-20-76793348 Email: [email protected]
Institut National de la Sant� et de la Recherche M�dicale Paris, France Contact: Dr. Fr�d�ric Rosa Phone: 33-1-44323978 Email: [email protected]
Albert-Ludwigs-Universit�t Freiburg Freiburg, Germany Contact: Prof. Wolfgang Driever Phone: 49-761-2032587 Email: [email protected]
University of Bergen Bergen, Norway Contact: Dr. Thomas Becker Phone: 47-5-5584338 Email: [email protected]
Universita' degli Studi di Padova Padova, Italy Contact: Prof. Francesco Argenton Phone: 39-49-8276229 Email: [email protected]
GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health Neuherberg, Germany Contact: Dr. Laure Bally-Cuif Phone: 49-89-31873562 Email: [email protected]
Institut Pasteur Paris, France Contact: Dr. Philippe Herbomel Phone: 33-1-44389529 Email: [email protected]
Leiden University Leiden, The Netherlands Contact: Prof. Herman Spaink Phone: 31-71-5275055 Email: [email protected]
ETH - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich Zurich, Switzerland Contact: Prof. Stephan Neuhauss Phone: 41-1-6353288 Email: [email protected]
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany Contact: Prof. Uwe Str�hle Phone: 49-7247-823291 Email: [email protected]
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