September 2003 From Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare 'Meetings on Physics' (Incontri di Fisica) is back again this year The Infn National Laboratories of Frascati open doors up to welcome teachers and journalists. Appointment also with 'Physics on the Road' "From Quarks to Universe: the Secrets of the Infinitely Small": this is the title of the third edition of "Meetings on Physics" (Incontri di Fisica), taking place since October 2nd up to the 4th at the Infn's National Laboratories of Frascati, near Rome. The initiative has been conceived to make researchers and school teachers meet and exchange experiences, but the meeting is extended to journalists. In particular, journalists are invited to visit the labs, meet and interview researchers and follow the conferences organized to explain the most recent advancement in nuclear and subnuclear Physics. The program offers the chance to partecipate in different conferences, from Cosmology to Astrophysics and Medical Physics.Sergio Bertulucci, director of Frascati's labs, will meet journalists and give a panoramic view of the challenges that Particle Physics and the Frascati's labs will take the next years. Moreover, those who partecipated in the past editions of the "Meetings on Physics", can take part at experiments organized for them with researchers and technicians. The observations will be about the study of cosmic rays, structure of matter and Medical Physics. During the "Meetings on Physics", in the main hall of High Energy Building, the amusing wandering laboratory, "Physics on the Road" (Fisica su Ruote), will be set. It is an initiative in which the general public can have an active role in the exploration of Physics in three different sections: elementary particles, forces and calculus. The idea is to start from simple objects of everyday life in order to describe the discovery at bounds of Science and its applications in our lives. "Physics on the Road", curated by the Communication Office of Infn, shows common objects, experimental apparata and computer animations and it's in particular conceived for kids and young students. Since its first edition, "Meetings on Physics" has been a successful event and last year over 200 teachers from all over Italy joined the meeting, along with about ten scientific journalists. �We're very happy to introduce this initiative, which is an occasion of precious exchange for researchers, called to communicate to visitors the enthusiasm that comes from working at bounds of knowledge and technology�, says Sergio Bertolucci. | |