March 2003 From International Congress of Genetics Click for Crick Watson and Crick portrait auctioned to support developing world geneticists Fifty years ago this week Watson and Crick announced their discovery of the double helix – the structure of DNA – and started the genetics revolution that's led to the mapping of human genome, GM crops, genetic medicine and so much more.What will the next 50 years bring and what are the implications for the human race? The International Congress of Genetics will consider these issues in Melbourne, Australia this July. "With eight Nobel Laureates and hundreds of eminent speakers, the debate will be full and frank," says Dr Phil Batterham, Secretary General of the Congress. "But it won't be complete without representation from the majority of the human race who live in developing countries. They have the most to gain, and the most to lose from the genetics revolution." James Watson and Francis Crick have agreed to sign an archive quality print of the universally recognized image of the two of them with their DNA model. The photographer, Antony Barrington Brown, has also signed the print. The print is being auctioned online with the proceeds going to assist delegates from developing nations to attend the Congress. "One hundred scientists from developing nations have applied for support to attend the Congress," says Dr Batterham. With this auction, and the support of our sponsors and the International Genetics Federation we plan to invest a minimum of $100,000 to bring a minimum of 50 of them to the Congress in Melbourne. "The practical use of genetics in the green revolution of the 20th Century helped save millions of lives. In the 21st Century, genetics has an essential role in contributing to global food security, health care and social justice. But there are dangers as well. We will ensure that the global implications of the new genetics revolution are fully debated and discussed," says Phil Batterham. "For this debate to be relevant developing nations must be well represented. Too often we stage such debates in developed nations, we somewhat condescendingly talk about their interests of people from developing nations, without having the decency to seek their inputs. The Genetics Congress will be different in this regard." Bids for the print are open now at www.geneticscongress2003.com. For further information about the Congress please contact the Congress Media Officer, Niall Byrne, [email protected] or ph +61 3 5253 1391. |