April 2003 From Harvard Medical School Jane Goodall to receive 2003 Global Environmental Citizen Award Presented by the Harvard Medical School Center for Health and the Global Environment WHAT:Dr. Jane Goodall, groundbreaking primotologist and environmentalist, and founder of the Jane Goodall Institute (http://www.janegoodall.org/) will receive the 2003 Global Environmental Citizen Award on Monday, April 28. This event will conclude Dr. Goodall�s tour of North America. Presented by the Harvard Medical School Center for Health and the Global Environment (http://www.med.harvard.edu/chge/), the first medical school-based center in the United States bringing scientific rigor to the relationship between human health and the health of the global environment, the Global Environmental Citizen Award was created in 2001 to recognize the achievements of environmentalists and conservationists. Past recipients include Edward O. Wilson, Harvard University professor of biology, two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and recipient of the National Medal of Science, and Harrison Ford, actor and vice chair of the Board of Conservation International (CI), on which he has served for more than ten years. On the day of the event, a press release will be posted on the Web site ( High-resolution award ceremony photos will be posted during the presentation. B-roll of Dr. Goodall�s work is also available for all television news programming. Journalists are also encouraged to review the recent article written by Dr. Goodall in the April issue of National Geographic magazine. The award ceremony will be held in the New England Aquarium�s Matthew and Marcia Simons IMAX� Theater (http://www.neaq.org/). Prior to the award ceremony and reception, reporters are invited to attend a screening of the IMAX film Jane Goodall's Wild Chimpanzees courtesy of the Museum of Science. Following the presentation, an award dinner will be held at Hamersley�s bistro featuring a gourmet menu made from sustainable agriculture, seafood and livestock by Boston top chefs. WHO: Dr. Jane Goodall, primotologist, environmentalist v Edward O. Wilson, Harvard University professor of biology, two time Pulitzer Prize winner Eric Chivian, MD, HMS assistant professor, Director of the Center for Health and the Global Environment, and a co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize Edmund Toomey, President and C.E.O. of the New England Aquarium Greg Stone, Vice President of Global Marine Program, New England Aquarium WHEN: MONDAY, April 28, 2003 Wild Chimpanzees Viewing: 3:30-4:30 pm Award Ceremony and Press Conference: 4:30-5:30 pm Aquarium reception: 5:30 pm Award Dinner, Hamersely�s Bistro: 7:00 pm WHERE: New England Aquarium Matthew and Marcia Simons IMAX� Theater Central Wharf Boston, MA 02110 For directions and parking call 617-973-5213 FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: John Lacey, 617-432-0442, Harvard Medical School ([email protected]) Laura Duffy, 617-432-0442, Harvard Medical School ([email protected]) FOR OPERATIONS, CONTACT: Tony LaCasse, 617-877-6871, New England Aquarium, ([email protected])
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