October 2003

From Harvard Medical School

BioSecurity 2003 to draw top experts in anthrax, smallpox, SARS

Harvard/RAND/Jane's conference tackles biothreats, response Oct. 20-22 in Washington, D.C.

WASHINGTON, D.C. –Medical, public health, research professionals and journalists, who must prepare for, respond to, and cover biological and chemical threats are encouraged to attend BioSecurity 2003 http://www.biosecuritysummit.com, organized by Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard Medical International, in conjunction with the RAND Center for Domestic and International Health Security and Jane's Information Group.

Attendees will learn from world experts how to best protect their communities from, and respond to biological or chemical events involving anthrax, smallpox, SARS and more.

The three-day summit, October 20-22 in Washington D.C., will bring together leaders in medicine, public health, law enforcement, first response, defense and policy to share the latest intelligence, techniques and lessons learned from the biosecurity trenches. Interested parties should register now (http://www.biosecuritysummit.com/registration) to ensure their place at this important gathering. Please use priority code EURB100 when registering.


The Harvard Medical School is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (AACME) to sponsor continuing medical education for physicians. Harvard Medical School designates this educational activity for up to 23.5 hours in category 1 toward the AMA/Physician's Recognition Award. Each physician should claim only those hours of credit that he or she actually spent in the educational activity.

Application has been made for nursing contact hours.


  • Anthony Fauci, Director, NIAID
  • Barry Bloom, Dean, Harvard School of Public Health
  • David Heyman, Exec. Director, Communicable Diseases, WHO
  • Dennis O'Leary, President, JCAHO
  • Georges Benjamin, Director, American Public Health Association
  • James Kvatch, Chief Scientist, Defense Intelligence Agency-AFMIC
  • John Marburger, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
  • Joseph Martin, Dean, Harvard Medical School
  • Lawrence Kerr, Director of Bioterrorism R&D, U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security
  • Lester Crawford, Deputy Director, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  • Lt. Martin Ryczek, Chicago Police Department
  • Sylvie Beaudoin, Montreal EMS, Urgences-sante
  • Zarnaaz Rauf, National Association of County and City Heath Organizations


  • Smallpox: A Case Study
  • The Current Status of Tools and Technology
  • Food and Agro Terrorism
  • Global Health
  • Stress, Terror and Communications
  • National Preparedness: A Status Report

For a complete program please visit www.biosecuritysummit.com

In addition to three days of intensive, hands-on conference sessions and workshops, BioSecurity 2003 will feature an exhibit of the latest tools, technology and services available to biosecurity professionals. A partial list of past exhibitors includes: Agilent, Batelle, Citigate GIS, FDA, Jane's, NACCHO, NIAID, PAHO, Pfizer, Quidel, SAIC and others. Organizations interested in exhibiting their products should contact Curtis Chiu ([email protected]) or David Baron ([email protected]) for more information.

To ensure your spot at this important event, please Register Now (www.biosecuritysummit.com/registration) using priority code EURB100. For more information, visit http://www.biosecuritysummit.com/ or contact Ben Sullivan at 323-954-6078.

Contact: Ben Sullivan
[email protected]

Media: Kennedy Jones
[email protected]

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