January 2003 From Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Latest ergonomics/human factors findings to be presented in October HFES Holds 47th Annual Meeting in Denver The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting will be held October 13-17, 2003, at the Adam's Mark Hotel, Denver, Colorado, USA. The meeting will feature hands-on workshops geared toward professionals at all levels (CEU credit is available) as well as more than 100 technical sessions on a broad range of ergonomics-related topics. Technical sessions will address office ergonomics, aging, consumer products, persons with disabilities, medical systems, safety, computer systems, environmental design, aviation/aerospace, biomechanics, communications, forensics, system development, organizational design and management, test and evaluation, virtual environments, and visual performance.Attendees will also have the chance to browse book, service, and product exhibits; tour technical and research facilities in the area; and attend special events, such as receptions, an awards banquet, and local outings. The year-round HFES Placement Service will be available to help match job seekers with employers. The deadline for proposals for lectures, panels, symposia, debates, demonstrations, posters, seminars, and workshops is March 4, 2003. You need not be an HFES member to participate. Program information will be available in July. For more details, visit the HFES Web site (http://hfes.org) or contact HFES, P.O. Box 1369, Santa Monica, CA 90406-1369, USA; 310/394-1811, fax 310-394-2410, [email protected], http://hfes.org. HFES is a multidisciplinary professional organization of more than 4800 persons in the United States and throughout the world. Members include psychologists, engineers, designers, and scientists, all of whom have a common interest in designing systems, tools, consumer products, and equipment to be safe and effective for the people who operate and maintain them. | |