July 2003

From Geological Society of America

Geological Society of America 2003 Annual Meeting: Seattle, Washington, Nov. 2-5

Boulder, CO – More than 6000 geoscientists will gather Nov. 2-5 for "Geoscience Horizons," the 115th annual meeting of the Geological Society of America. The meeting will be held at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center in Seattle, hosted by geoscientists from the University of Washington.

Other societies holding their annual meetings with GSA include the Mineralogical Society of America, Paleontological Society, Geoscience Information Society, Association for Women Geoscientists, and Association of Earth Science Editors.

Nearly 170 symposia and topical sessions will cover a wide variety of topics. A sampling of topics includes:

  • Global climate change
  • Ocean, coastal, and marine science
  • Random mega-scale events on Mars and Earth
  • Planetary remote sensing
  • Neoproterozoic Earth
  • Geoarchaeology
  • Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic framework of human evolution
  • The hunt for Precambrian life
  • The geologic record of biosphere dynamics
  • Impacts of population growth on water availability and quality
  • Soils and a sustainable future
  • Attributes of the natural system at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
  • History and future of the relationship between geoscience and religion

Reflecting GSA's commitment to fostering integrative science, many sessions emphasize the interface between geoscience and biology and other scientific disciplines.

Sessions of regional interest focus on Columbia River basalts and seismic hazards in Cascadia. In addition, Pardee Keynote Symposia include two timely retrospectives:

  • In a session sponsored by the Paleontological Society, scientists will explore the legacy of the late Stephen J. Gould, attempting to clarify some of Gould's widely misunderstood views.

  • On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, scientists, historians, and science policy makers will discuss the explorers' impact on science, scientific interpretation, and government support of science. Sponsors of the session are the GSA Engineering Geology Division, US Geological Survey, US Department of Interior, GSA History of Geology Division, and History of Earth Science Society.

The complete technical program will be available for viewing on the GSA web site in mid- to late August.

Onsite Newsroom facilities will be available at the meeting. Qualified media are invited to attend and registration is complimentary. For information on eligibility criteria and to register visit http://www.geosociety.org/meetings/2003/rMedia.htm. Contact Ann Cairns, GSA Director of Communications, for additional information and assistance ([email protected]).


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