December 2003 From Federation of European Cancer Societies The 4th European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC–4) An invitation to Europe's largest forum on breast cancer An invitation to Europe's largest forum on breast cancer The 4th European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC-4) Hamburg, Germany (Congress Centrum, Am Dammtor, D-20355) Tuesday 16 March - Saturday 20 March 2004What is EBCC? It is the only forum in Europe that involves all the major players in breast cancer. The conference is unique in encouraging interaction between clinicians and patients in a partnership of equals. EBCC–4 is expected to attract a record 4,000 delegates from around 80 countries worldwide. The conference covers the entire spectrum of breast cancer and highlights what is new across fields as diverse as: - Breast screening – overdiagnosis and overtreatment
- Breast cancer incidence and mortality – latest trends
- Tailored systemic therapy – dream or reality?
- Women at high risk - who are they and what can be done?
- Young women and the elderly – their special needs
- Developing a joint European strategy against breast cancer
To find full details of the programme…… Visit the EBCC–4 web site: http://www.fecs.be/Conferences/ebcc4/index.shtml Free media registration – on provision of bona fide press credentials We welcome the media. All sessions are open to journalists and registration is free to bona fide journalists on presentation of official press credentials. A media centre with computers, fax, printing, photocopying and free local and international telephone facilities and internet connections will be available. NB: the official conference language is English. To register now: fill in the registration form on the EBCC-4 web site http://www.fecs.be/conferences/ebcc4/guidelines.shtml OR: register on site as from Tuesday 16 March 2004. If you wish to book accommodation, booking agents details can be found on: http://www.fecs.be/conferences/ebcc4/accommodation.shtml Further information? More details will follow in the second media alert in February. Meanwhile, for further information please contact: EBCC Media Consultant Margaret Willson Tel: 44-0-1536-772181 Email: [email protected] or FECS' Communications Manager Stuart Bell Tel: 32-0-2-775-02-07 Email: [email protected]. |