Join 10,000 international cancer experts at ECCO 12 – Europe's premier cancer conference: the only forum in Europe covering the entire spectrum of research, treatment and care for all types of tumours. An opportunity to hear the latest research findings and sit in on debates and discussions on controversies in cancer.
Daily news briefingsNews briefing programme (subject to confirmation):
Sunday 21 September 17.00hrs:
- Join EU and FECS' representatives for a Round Table discussion on R and D challenges in cancer and the growing problem of unequal access to cancer care in Europe. Your chance to quiz the experts.
Monday 22 September 13.00hrs:
- Dr Michael Stratton: Cancer genes - a realistic target for drug development?
- Dr Nicolaj Andreassen: Tailoring radiotherapy - new findings predict sensitivity to radiation damage
- Prof. Richard Peto: Hormonal treatment in prostate & breast cancer – latest findings on increasing 10-year survival
Tuesday 23 September 13.00hrs
- Prof Anthony Howell: Update on ATAC [Arimidex, Tamoxifen Alone or in Combination] trial
- Prof Peter Ravdin: First head-to-head paclixtaxel v docetaxel trial in breast cancer – world-first presentation of findings
- Lynn Faulds-Wood & Kathy Redmond – launch of the European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC) – Europe's first patient advocacy group for all types of cancer
Wednesday 24 September 13.00hrs
- Prof Jens Overgaard: Shorter radiotherapy helps head and neck cancer patients (results from the DAHANCA trial)
- Prof Bengt Glimelius: New insights into treating colorectal cancer
- Prof Jaap Verweij: International trials – how they proved new treatment for rare cancer – but will this be possible in future?
- Dr Patrick Therasse: Clinical trials in danger from EU legislation
Thursday 25 September 09.30hrs
- Prof Michel Coleman: Eurocare-3 – first results from long-awaited follow up study on cancer survival rates in different European countries
To find full details of the programme:
Visit the Federation of European Cancer Societies' web site:
To register now via the web go to:
Or register on site from 09.00hrs Sunday 21 September 2003.
Further information or need a registration form?
For more help about media registration and the media programme or to request a form: please contact Margaret Willson at [email protected] or tel. 44-153-677-2181
Please note: the details in this alert about the news briefings is provided for information only - to give advance notice to editors about the forthcoming ECCO programme. However, the information itself is embargoed until the time within the conference when these presentations are made.