June 2003 From Federation of European Cancer Societies ECCO 12 - the European Cancer Conference - First alert Europe’s primary forum on cancer research and treatment ECCO is Europe's premier cancer conference – the only forum in Europe that covers the entire spectrum of cancer from basic and translational research to prevention, treatment, nursing and supportive care for all types of tumours.Leading international cancer experts will address important and sometimes controversial issues about the future of research, treatment and care. The cancer field is evolving faster now than at any time in history. The genetic revolution, more sophisticated radiotherapy, more refined surgery and better understanding of patients' needs mean we have the potential to offer more hope and help to patients than ever before. So, at ECCO 12, over 10,000 doctors, nurses and researchers from Europe and around the world will come together to present and review the latest research news and discuss how these developments can be incorporated by multidisciplinary teams into day to day practice to raise standards of treatment and care for cancer patients everywhere. To find full details of the programme visit the Federation of European Cancer Societies' web site: http://www.fecs.be/Conferences/ecco12/index.shtml We welcome the media to the meeting. All sessions are open to journalists and registration is free to bona fide journalists on presentation of official press credentials. A media centre with computers, fax, printing, photocopying and free local and international telephone facilities and internet connections will be available. NB: the official conference language is English. To register now: complete the attached form or register on the web site www.fecs.be/conferences/ecco12/media.shtml OR: register on site as from Sunday 21 September 2003. Further information? For information about registration and the media programme: please contact Margaret Willson at [email protected] or tel. 44-153-677-2181 |