May 2003
From Economic & Social Research Council Public duped by media over MMR Over half the British public wrongly believed that medical science was split down the middle about the safety of the MMR vaccine according to a new survey published today by the Economic and Social Research Council.Although almost all scientific experts rejected the claim of a link between MMR and autism, 53% of those surveyed at the height of the media coverage assumed that because both sides of the debate received equal media coverage, there must be equal evidence for each. Only 23% of the population were aware that the bulk of evidence favoured supporters of the vaccine. Focussing on three massive scientific issues � climate change, genetics and the MMR vaccine � Ian Hargreaves, Justin Lewis and Tammy Speers of Cardiff University School of Journalism looked at the way the topics were reported by print and broadcast journalists and at the public's knowledge of the issues. The new survey will re-ignite a heated debate about the way the media covered the MMR controversy and the way journalists deal with minority voices within science. While journalists have vigorously defended the amount of space given to Dr Andrew Wakefield's concerns about the MMR vaccine, nearly half the British public appear to disagree. 48% of those surveyed felt that on matters of public health, journalists should wait until other studies confirm findings before reporting alarming research. 34% however felt that concerns like those of Wakefield's are newsworthy and should be reported. Professor Justin Lewis, one of the authors of the survey, said: "The survey confirms that the news media play a key role in informing the way people understand issues such as the controversy around MMR. While Wakefield's claims are of legitimate public interest, our report shows that research questioning the safety of something that is widely used should be approached with caution, both by scientists and journalists. This is especially the case where any decline in confidence can have serious consequences for public health. The research also has implications for the debate about fairness in journalism, suggesting that legal definitions of impartiality in broadcast journalism should not be interpreted in a simplistic fashion." The study examined 561 media reports on MMR over a seven-month period. 56% of these stories were concentrated in one month between 28th January and 28th February 2002 - described by many scientists as a media 'feeding frenzy'. The focus of the story was the possible link between the MMR jab and autism, a fact mentioned in over two thirds of the articles. While the bulk of evidence showing that the vaccine is safe was used to balance the autism claims in half the television reports, only32% of the broadsheet press reported this. The report says: "Attempts to balance claim about the risks of the MMR jab tended merely to indicate that there were two competing bodies of evidence." The report provides an in-depth assessment of the media's role in the public understanding of science. As well as the MMR controversy, it examines the media's coverage of climate change and genetics and illuminates the link between science, journalism and the public. It shows that changes in the level of scientific knowledge occur very slowly, even when media coverage is intense, and identifies the types of "theme" which successfully arouse public interest. "We find little evidence to support the idea that the presence of more science, scientists and science specialists in the media will increase the public understanding of science. On the contrary, a 'science for science's sake' approach seems the one least likely to generate public engagement and therefore public understanding." The research was carried out between January and September 2002 and involved two national surveys of over 1,000 people and an analysis of 2,214 newspaper, radio and TV stories. For further information, contact: Justin Lewis on 292-087-6341 over the weekend 44-292-065-1905, Ian Hargreaves on 790-953-4545, or Tammy Speers on 292-064-0490 Fiona Fox at the Science Media Centre on 207-670-2981 Martin Ince at the ESRC on 179-341-3115 or over the weekend on 771-939-0958
NOTES FOR EDITORS 1. * Towards a better map: science, the public and the media published by the ESRC is available as hard copies or as a PDF. Contact ESRC on 01793 413122. 2. The ESRC is the UK's largest funding agency for research and postgraduate training relating to social and economic issues. It provides independent, high-quality, relevant research to business, the public sector and Government. The ESRC invests more than �76 million every year in social science and at any time is supporting some 2,000 researchers in academic institutions and research policy institutes. It also funds postgraduate training within the social sciences to nurture the researchers of tomorrow. More at http://www.esrc.ac.uk 3. REGARD is the ESRC's database of research. It provides a key source of information on ESRC social science research awards and all associated publications and products. The website can be found at http://www.regard.ac.uk. |