May 2003

From European Society for Medical Oncology

ESMO Summer Educational Conference, ESEC

Latest international updates in oncology treatments

You are invited… to report on one of Europe's most important educational cancer conferences

There are few fields in clinical medicine that are expanding as rapidly as oncology. Don't miss your chance to report on the latest updates in treatment for cancer patients.

This 'one-step educational experience' will focus on conventional medical oncology such as gynecological and colorectal tumors, as well as emerging fields like psycho-oncology and quality-of-life. ESEC will confront difficult situations and areas of treatment that require special attention. It will address the question of what patients need from their oncologists and encourage open discussion on controversial issues such as Hormone Replacement Therapy, complementary medicine, screening, and new treatments.

Supported by various European cancer groups, a Second European Patient Seminar (Saturday, 21 June 2003) will attempt to move beyond patient-physician communication to patient-physician partnership. Reflecting the true spirit of partnership,

  • Patients have collaborated with oncologists in planning an extremely interesting program,
  • Lectures will be given by both patients and physicians,
  • Patients and oncologists will meet for an interactive joint session, where both sides will express and explain their positions on current issues in oncology.

Come join us and be the first to know what patients want from their ideal cancer doctor, what doctors expect from patients, what can be done to improve communication, reinforce partnership, and ultimately improve healthcare services for cancer patients.

Planned Press Activities:

ESMO President and ESEC Working Party Meet the Press
Saturday, 21 June, 09.00-10.15

Press Conference:

  • Patient-physician partnership
  • Patient Advocacy - Moving the political agenda forward

Saturday, 21 June, 12.30-13.30

Free Media Registration is granted at the Conference to all bona fide media representatives.

A Press Center will provide you with information, resources, and expert opinion, and you will have access to all the scientific sessions and the Patient Seminar. For more information about the ESEC program and the Patient Seminar, please visit

For further information, please contact:
Gracemarie Bricalli, ESMO Media Coordinator (Switzerland)
Tel. +41 (0)91 973 19 11, Fax +41 (0)91 973 19 12, [email protected]
Elaine Snell, ESMO Press Office (UK)
Tel. +44 (0)20 7738 0424, Fax +44 (0)20 7978 4494, [email protected]

About the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO):
ESMO believes that every cancer patient is entitled to the best possible treatment available. Since medicine is involved in every aspect of cancer therapy, cancer patients need to be treated by qualified medical oncologists. ESMO is the leading European Society that provides education and guidelines for medical oncologists to ensure optimal care for cancer patients. Since 1975, the Society has grown to include representatives from every European country and the six major geographical regions of the world.

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright © 2004

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