March 2003

From European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology

Invitation to cover Europe's leading conference on fertility and reproductive medicine

European Society of Human Reproduction & Embryology

More than 4,000 leading international experts on fertility and reproductive medicine meet in Madrid, Spain (Palacio Municipal de Congresos) from 29 June - 2 July 2003 to present exciting new research data and discuss the issues that are presenting law-makers and ethicists with some of the most challenging problems and difficult decisions currently facing society.

We welcome the media to the 19th annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction & Embryology. All sessions are open to the media and registration is free to bona fide journalists on presentation of official press credentials.

Facilities include:

  • A media centre with computers, fax, printing, photocopying, free local and international telephone facilities and internet connections and private interview rooms for one to one interviews

  • English, Spanish, French and German speaking press officers to assist the media

  • English language media briefings on Monday 30 June, Tuesday 1 July, Wednesday 2 July

  • Spanish language media briefing on Monday 30 June

  • Comprehensive press packs with background information and releases on some of the most outstanding new research

  • Information to be sent to journalists who cannot attend, and telephone interviews arranged with speakers on request

More details available on the ESHRE website:

Online registration form available from:

or from:

Margaret Willson
Fax: 44-153-677-2191
Tel: 44-153-677-2181
Email: [email protected]

Registration forms should be faxed, with a photocopy of official press credentials, to: 44-153-677-2191

Accommodation can be booked through:
Juan Carlos Lean
Tecnic Viajes
P.O. Box 47019
Tel: 34-934-197-454
Fax: 34-934-393-594
Email: [email protected]

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004

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