October 2003

From European Space Agency

Space Days approaching

Leading executives will share their perspectives at plenary sessions discussing the evolution of the space industrial environment. They begin with ESA Director-General Jean-Jacques Dordain outlining his vision for ESA and industry over the next four years. Other plenary sessions will cover European space policy as seen from the European Commission, the perspectives of institutional programmes and forecasting the commercial space market. At round table discussions industry decision makers and professional analysts will discuss their views on the future development of, the space market and the space industry in Europe. The bi-annual Industry Space Days (ISD) event takes place in ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, between 24-26 November.

"ISD 2003 is a major forum to meet representatives of Industry along the whole value chain, from large and small system integrators to space software firms, equipment suppliers, operators, service providers and SMEs," says Dr Hans Kappler, ESA's Director of Industrial Matters and Technology Programmes. "It aims at providing opportunities for institutions and industry to exchange views on the evolution of the space business."

Workshops provide participants with a means of sharing their views and experience on dedicated themes. A total of six are scheduled including, 'International cooperation and European Independence', 'What is at stake for European Technology?' and 'Role of institutions in economic downturns'. Specialist sessions are dedicated to cover 'ESA technology harmonisation process', the ESA technology transfer programme and also standardisation issues.

The four large system integrators - EADS Astrium, Alenia, Alcatel and EADS Space Transportation � will present their vision on supply and demand in the space sector over the coming years. And on Thursday 26 November, ISD-2003 participants will have the opportunity to attend a demonstration of 25 space technology developments.

A strong participation from European SMEs (small and medium size enterprises) and research centres is expected, so ISD-2003 is a great opportunity to meet potential new industrial partners. Many companies, and in particular SMEs will present their businesses. Face to face meetings will aim to develop opportunities for strategic co-operation and business agreements.

In order to participate please register at the dedicated ISD-2003 web site.

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004

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