December 2003

From European Space Agency

Space and security policy in Europe

A study on "Space and Security Policy in Europe" was initiated by ESA in the framework of its General Studies Programme. It has been performed by a network of European experts in space and security under the coordination of IAI (Istituto Affari Internazionali, Italy).

The research team included also:

    European Union Institute for Security Studies (EU ISS), Paris
    Centre for European Reform (CER), London, UK
    Deutsche Gesellschaft f�r Ausw�rtige Politik (DGAP), Berlin
    Fondation pour la Recherche Strat�gique (FRS), Paris
    Institut d'Etudes Europ�ennes of the University of Louvain, Belgium

In addition contributions were made by a Swedish and a Spanish researchers. The study offers a comprehensive analysis of national and intergovernmental aspects of the European Space security policy.

A presentation of the Study Report was organised by IAI and ESA in Rome on 2 December at the Centre for High Defence Studies. About 150 high-level participants from national and European space and defence institutions, the European Union, the European Space Agency and industry participated in the Conference.

A new security concept is emerging. The evolution of the foreign, security and defence policy (CFSP, ESPD) and the protection of population requires an integrated approach. The evolution of European space policy towards the integration of security is encouraged by the recent signature of the Framework cooperation agreement between ESA and the European Union and the approval of the White Book on Space.

Security needs to be connected to technological progress. Space assets must be used to protect population resources and territories, but also to maintain the integrity and the capabilities of the technological base. Space systems are a fundamental aspect of 'technological security'; they offer extremely versatile solutions in a global international dimension. "There is no security without space and there is no space without security". This research analyses how the different EU actors deal with these topics and how to promote a convergence towards a European Space Security Policy. The specific role ESA could play in this context is highlighted.

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004

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