November 2003

From European Space Agency

Global Monitoring for Environment and Security: 4th forum in Baveno, Italy

The overall aim of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) initiative is to support Europe’s goals regarding sustainable development and global governance, by facilitating the provision of quality data, information, and knowledge.

GMES, 4th Forum in Baveno, 26-28 November

GMES is co-led by the European Space Agency and the European Commission, but relies on the capability of both organisations' Member States. End 2003 is a crucial time for GMES. GMES was started up in 1998 in Baveno, Italy. Five years on, GMES has developed from a loose gathering of space organisations to a cohesive structure fully involving the users, providers and political beneficiaries of space-based information for the benefit of Europe's citizens.

GMES forums bring together the main stakeholders in Europe involved in the use of observations from space and in-situ facilities for better management of the environment and enhanced security of Europe's citizens.

The 4th forum is being organised jointly by the Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio, the Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Universita' e della Ricerca, the European Commission and the European Space Agency.

The 4th forum will focus on the achievements of the Initial Period of the GMES Action Plan (2002-2003). It will also focus on the actions to be taken to further extend the reach of GMES during the coming 2004-2007 period and to arrive at an operational global monitoring capacity for the environment and security by 2008. Presentations and discussions will be based on the Draft Final Report on the Initial Period of the GMES Action Plan, as well as on detailed supporting documents.

A press conference will be held on 26 November 2003, at 17:00, at Hotel Dino, Corso Garibaldi, 20, 28042 Baveno (Italy), which is the venue for the GMES Forum. The press conference will cover the issues to be discussed at the Forum and in particular the presentation of the Draft Final Report on the Initial Period of the GMES Action Plan. Participating in the press conference will be Mr Altero Matteoli, the Italian Minister for the Environment, Mr José Achache, Director of Earth Observation Programmes at ESA, and Mrs Catherine Day, Director General of Environment at the European Commission.

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