April 2003

From European Molecular Biology Laboratory

EMBO Young Investigators 2000 – 2002

La crème de la crème of young European researchers

The European Molecular Biology Organisation's (EMBO) communication office has now published its first catalogue introducing the current one hundred and three EMBO young investigators. The 232-page document gives a brief description of their work along with their CVs and selected publications. The scientists are believed to be among the best young researchers in Europe.

"This catalogue points clearly to the fact that Europe is endowed with excellent young researchers located throughout the continent," says Frank Gannon, EMBO Executive Director. The EMBO Young Investigator Programme puts the spotlight on some of the very best young European life scientists, all of them in the first three years of establishing their own research laboratory. The distinction of being selected as an EMBO Young Investigator often acts as leverage for obtaining funds nationally and internationally. The selected researchers participate in the programme for three years and receive a number of benefits, such as mentorship and opportunities for networking, as well as an annual award of € 15,000 paid by the respective national governments. Additional funds can be obtained from a pool of € 500,000.

The EMBO young investigator catalogue can be ordered from the EMBO Communication Office and is available online at: www.embo.org/publications/print.html

Ellen Peerenboom (PhD)
Press & Public Relations Officer
Communication & Web
Postfach 102240
D69012 Heidelberg
Tel: 49-6221-8891-108
Fax: 49-6221-8891-200
[email protected]

Gerlind Wallon, (PhD)
EMBO Young Investigator Programme Manager
EMBO Restart Programme Manager
Postfach 1022.40,
D-69012 Heidelberg
Tel: 49-6221-8891-112/110
Fax: 49-6221-8891-200
[email protected]

EMBO promote biosciences in Europe. It was established by leading scientists almost 40 years ago. The organization raised the standards in this area of science through the establishment of a specialist laboratory (EMBL), the provision of training through practical courses and workshops and by stimulating mobility through its Fellowship Programme. Today EMBO has 1200 elected members, including 36 Nobel Prize laureates, and its actions are supported by the inter-governmental organization EMBC whose delegates represent countries throughout and adjacent to Europe.

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright © 2004

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