May 2003

From European Molecular Biology Laboratory

EMBO rewards communicative scientist 5 000 euros

Communicating successfully with a non-scientific audience is very different from talking to colleagues: it is a skill that deserves to be promoted. The 27 outstanding entries in last year's competition were proof that scientists often communicate very successfully outside peer circles. "Many scientists clearly have the language skills required to communicate with the public and engage their interest. At present, it could not be more important to encourage such skills," says Andrew Moore, Manager for EMBO's Science & Society Programme. "A public that pays for excellent research should also expect excellent communication of that research, and this is what we want to support and reward."

There are no limitations to the form of communication used by entrants. The jury looks in particular for imaginative and original work. This could involve communication via printed and electronic media, radio, television, speeches on public occasions, out-reach and schools projects or other special initiatives. There is one winning application annually. The prize of 5 000 euros and a silver medal will be awarded in Heidelberg on November 23rd, 2003 during the EMBL/EMBO joint Science & Society conference on Genetics, Determinism and Human Freedom. Applications must be accompanied by a letter of support from an independent source.

For more details of the eligibility criteria, the requirements of the competition, and to obtain the application form, please visit:


EMBO Ellen Peerenboom (PhD)
Press & Public Relations Officer
Communication & Web
Postfach 102240
D69012 Heidelberg
Tel: 49 6221 8891 108
Fax: 49 6221 8891 200
[email protected]

Andrew Moore
Science & Society Programme Manager
Meyerhofstrasse 1
D-69117 Heidelberg
Tel. 49-6221-8891-109
Fax. 49-6221-8891-209
[email protected]

The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) was established in 1964 by leading scientists in the field. The aim of the organization is to promote molecular biology studies in Europe. Subsidiary to that general aim are concepts such as the development of a strong trans-national approach to molecular biology, the identification of measures that can assist in the training of scientists in this area and the emphasis on scientific criteria for all of its activities.

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004

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