July 2003 From European Molecular Biology Laboratory Belmonte Science Center trains high school teachers in latest scientific methods 92 teachers meet in Israel from July 20 – 22 at the Belmonte Science Laboratories Center to participate in the EMBO teachers workshop "Frontiers of Molecular Biology". The workshop comprises scientific lectures from leading researchers and practical experiments.This is the first national workshop in a series of nine EMBO workshops. It follows in the footsteps of the international teachers workshop held in Heidelberg last May, and will be held in English. "We are overwhelmed by the response from teachers in and outside of Israel," says Izchak Parnas, director of the Belmonte Science Center. "We have such a long waiting list, that we might have to repeat a similar course later in the year. We firmly believe that it is very important to train teachers in the latest scientific methods available. As teachers can ignite interest for science in young people, this is one way for them to transfer this knowledge. Students after all, are the ones from which up-and coming scientists will be recruited." The workshop is financed by the European Commission as part of the initiative 'Continuing Education for European Biology Teachers (CeeBT)' – a project coordinated by EMBO. The goal is to provide a new layer of professional development for biology teachers in secondary schools, professionals recognised as crucial to many aspects of future European success in the area of research and development. Further information: From http://www.ceebt.embo.org/ From http://belmonte.org.il From http://www.embo.org/projects/scisoc/education.html Related press releases: http://www.embo.org/press/teacher_in_lab.html May 2003 http://www.embo.org/press/ceebt.html February 2003 Photos can be obtained from EMBO press office. Contact: EMBO Ellen Peerenboom (PhD) Press & Public Relations Officer Communication & Web Postfach 102240 D69012 Heidelberg Tel: 0049-6221-8891-121 Fax: 0049-6221-8891-210 [email protected], http://www.embo.org Andrew Moore (PhD) Science & Society Programme Manager EMBO Meyerhofstrasse 1 D-69117 Heidelberg Germany Tel. +49-0-6221-8891-109 Fax. +49-0-6221-8891-209 [email protected] Susie Seligman Director of Authority for Youth & Community Hebrew University of Jerusalem Tel: +972-2-658-5508 Fax: +972-2-658-4300 [email protected] The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) was established in 1964 by leading scientists in the field. The aim of the organization is to promote molecular biology studies in Europe. Subsidiary to that general aim are concepts such as the development of a strong trans-national approach to molecular biology, the identification of measures that can assist in the training of scientists in this area and the emphasis on scientific criteria for all of its activities. |