July 2002 From American Geophysical Union Plan ahead for upcoming AGU meetings The following preliminary information is provided to reporters and public information officers for planning and budgetary purposes. As the meeting dates approach, we will provide detailed substantive and logistical information, as usual.AGU 2002 Fall Meeting 6-10 December 2002 (Friday-Tuesday) Moscone Convention Center San Francisco, California As in 2000, Fall Meeting will run from Friday morning through Tuesday afternoon. That year, we had record attendance (since surpassed), and this year, we anticipate another strong turnout of scientists reporting recent and current research. (There will be no Ocean Sciences or Western Pacific meeting in 2003.) The web site for Fall Meeting is http://agu.org/meetings/fm02top.html (please bookmark it for future reference; at this point, it holds only very preliminary information). A media advisory, including the advance Press Registration Form, will be issued as soon as hotel and travel information is posted on the site. 2003 EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly 7-11 April 2003 (Monday-Friday) Nice Acropolis Congress Centre Nice, France For the first time, AGU will hold a joint meeting with the European Geophysical Society (EGS) and the European Union of Geosciences (EUG) in Nice, France. As usual for all three societies, this meeting will be conducted entirely in English. The Joint Assembly, which replaces AGU's Spring Meeting in 2003, will feature a Press Room and press conferences on important topics to be discussed in the scientific sessions. It provides an excellent opportunity for European science writers to cover a meeting relatively close to home that is likely to generate multiple news stories. North American, Asian, and other reporters are also encouraged to attend, and they will find hotel and meal prices in Nice to be in the same range as at AGU meetings in the United States. Air fare from the U.S. east coast is currently being quoted as low as $660, and from the west coast, it is only slightly higher (subject to change, higher or lower, of course). In other words, this meeting is affordable! The web site for 2003 Joint Assembly is maintained by EGS: http://www.copernicus.org/egsagueug/index.html (please bookmark; contains only preliminary information now). Since AGU has no prior experience in operating a press room in Europe, it would be helpful to have an idea of how many reporters might cover the 2003 Joint Assembly. Reporters who have a reasonable expectation of attending are asked to send a short note to Harvey Leifert ([email protected]); this will not constitute a commitment. |