June 2002

From American Geophysical Union

Nominations sought for AGU's 2003 Sullivan and Perlman Awards

The American Geophysical Union seeks nominations for two annual journalism awards: the Walter Sullivan Award for Excellence in Science Journalism - Features and the David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism - News. These awards consist of a plaque and a $2,000 stipend and will be presented at the 2003 Joint Assembly (in Nice, France) or Fall Meeting (in San Francisco, California).

These awards recognize work that enhances public awareness and understanding of the sciences encompassed by AGU: the study of the Earth, the Sun, the solar system, and their environments and components. The Perlman Award is for work produced under deadline pressure of one week or less, while the Sullivan Award is for work produced with longer lead time. Work in any medium, except books, is eligible, as long as it was intended for and available to the general public. Work from any country and in any language is eligible. (Entries not originally in English must include an English translation.)

The rules in effect for the 2002 awards remain valid for 2003, aside from eligibility and submission deadline dates. For the 2003 awards, entries must first have been published between December 16, 2001, and December 15, 2002. Entries must be received at AGU no later than December 31, 2002.

The only authoritative statement of all relevant rules is on the AGU Web site at http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/sci_awards.html . A nomination form and list of previous winners of these awards may also be accessed from that page. Questions should be directed to Harvey Leifert (see contact information).

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