May 2002 From American Geophysical Union Media Advisory 3 - AGU 2002 spring meeting Preliminary press conference list and other events for the media Contents 1. Preliminary Press Conference List 2. The Press Room 3. Tutorials on Topics of current Interest 4. Sullivan and Perlman Awards Presented to Tennant and Monastersky 5. Press Reception and Program 6. Who's Coming 7. Press Registration Eligibility (repeated from Media Advisories 1 and 2) 8. Press Registration Form (repeated from Media Advisories 1 and 2) ********** 1. Preliminary Press Conference ListWe are in the process of developing press conferences for Spring Meeting. The following list is meant to convey the broad nature of the subject matter being considered. Not all of these press conferences may actually take place, and others not listed here may be added. The next media advisory, which will be issued in mid-May, will contain the detailed list of press conferences as of that date, with descriptions of each and a list of participants and their institutional affiliations. Any changes after that will be announced in the Press Room at Spring Meeting. � Overview of Spring Meeting: Using Your Time Effectively � Fires, Scars, and Smoke: Observations, Impacts, and Policies � Midlatitude Stratospheric Ozone Loss � Farewell to Io: Galileo's Final Revelations � Lake Vostok: First Integrated View of an Ancient System � Geophysics vs. Terrorism � Airborne and Spaceborne Laser Altimetry Observations � Links Between Hydrology and Water Quality in the Florida Everglades � Uncertainty Assessments for Environmental Modeling in the Unsaturated Zone � Impacts of Land Use Change: Scientific Issues and Policy Relevance � Neotectonics and Hazards in the Caribbean and Beyond � Mars Global Surveyor and Odyssey: Two Views of Mars � Mars Sample Return: Science, Implementation, Issues, and Plans � Sustainability of Fresh Water, Fossil Fuels, Minerals and Other Earth Resources: How Much, How Deep, How Expensive, How Certain? � Late Maunder Minimum Climate Anomaly: Why You Can't Skate on Dutch Canals as They Do in 17th Century Paintings � Recent Climate Trends and the Annual Climate Assessment ********** 2. The Press Room The Press Room and Press Briefing Room are located at the Spring Meeting venue, the Washington Convention Center, 900 Ninth Street, Northwest, in Washington, D.C. The Press Room is in Room 8. Please give the following phone and fax numbers to anyone who may have to contact you at the meeting: Phone +1 (202) 371-5016 Fax: +1 (202) 371-5026 The Press Room is equipped with 10 phone lines for journalists' use (no charge for business calls), a computer terminal with Internet access, a fax, and a copier. It has a message board for press registrants; press releases issued by universities, government agencies, etc., in support of meeting presentations; and other amenities. Breakfast and lunch will be served daily from 7:30 A.M. and 11:30 A.M., respectively, for press registrants. The Press Briefing room is across the corridor in Room 1. All press conferences take place there. The room is equipped with a mult box for recording sound from the front table microphones and a phone for dial-in participation in press conferences. (The phone number to call and the individual access codes for each press conference will be included in the next advisory.) ********** 3. Tutorials on Topics of current Interest Distinguished scientists will present tutorials on four topics in Earth and space science the first morning of the meeting. Intended primarily for scientists in other areas wish to broaden their knowledge, these tutorials are also open to press registrants. Although they are not press conferences, there is usually some time available at the end for questions. The tutorials are collectively designated Session U21A and take place in Room 30. Abstracts describing these tutorials may be read at http://agu.org/cgi-bin/sessions?meeting=sm02&sec=U Click on "U21A," the first session listed. 8:30 A.M. Assessing Regional Climate Change and Its Impacts Eric J. Barron, Earth System Science Center, Environment Institute, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania; Ann Fisher, Department of Agricultural Economy and Rural Sociology; Environmental Resources Research Institute, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. 9:15 A.M. Space Weather Effects on Technologies Louis J. Lanzerotti, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, New Jersey. 10:30 A.M. The Geopolitical Setting of Conflict Diamonds Stephen E. Haggerty,: Department of Geosciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts. 11:15 A.M. Geoscience and Policy Interactions Jack D. Fellows, University Corporation for Atmospheric Science, Boulder, Colorado. ********** 4. Sullivan and Perlman Awards Presented to Tennant and Monastersky Wednesday, May 29 5:30 P.M. Washington Renaissance Hotel, 999 Ninth Street, N.W. (directly across the street from the Convention Center) The 2002 Walter Sullivan Award for Excellence in Science Journalism-Features and David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism-News will be presented to Diane Tennant and Richard Monastersky, as previously announced. Press registrants are invited to attend the ceremony, which is followed by a reception. ********** 5. Press Reception and Program You are cordially invited to relax after the first busy day of Spring Meeting at our wine and cheese reception for Press Room registrants, followed by a special program featuring several of our colleagues. We have also invited members of the D.C. Science Writers Association who are not otherwise covering the meeting. Tuesday, May 28 5:30 P.M. Room 8 (Press Room) Wine and cheese reception - a chance to greet old friends, meet new ones, and catch up on who's where and doing what. This reception is co-hosted by AGU, the American Institute of Physics, Joseph Henry Press, and Warner Books. Followed immediately by: 6:30 P.M. Room 1 (Press Briefing Room) Special program for science writers 1. Award ceremony Presentation of the American Institute of Physics 2001 Science Writing Award in Broadcast Media to Jon Palfreman for his production "What's Up with the Weather?" 2. Science writer book talk The latest in our series, featuring authors of new, acclaimed books on science for the general public, with emphasis on how they did it. J. Madeleine Nash, former chief science correspondent for Time, discusses her new book, "El Nino: Unlocking the Secrets of the Master Weather-Maker" (Warner Books) Michael Carlowicz, formerly of NASA Goddard and now with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, discusses his new book (written with Ramon Lopez, foreword by James Van Allen), "Storms From the Sun: The Emerging Science of Space Weather" (Joseph Henry Press) There will be a question and discussion period. Signed copies of both books will be available following the presentations. ********** 6. Who's Coming Following is the list of press registrants as of the date of this message. If you believe you have registered, but your name is not listed, please resubmit the form below. Tim Appenzeller, U.S. News & World Report Kelly Beatty, Sky & Telescope Steve Benka, Physics Today Charles Blue, National Radio Astronomy Observatory Robert Boyd, Knight Ridder Kathryn Brown, Freelance Geoff Brumfiel, Nature Michael Buckley, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab Michael Carlowicz, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Robert Cowen, Christian Science Monitor Charles Day, Physics Today Dinshaw Dadachanji, The World & I Greta De Keyser, VRT - Belgian Public Broadcasting Britt Erickson, Environmental Science and Technology Richard Fitzgerald, Physics Today Maggie Fox, Reuters Jana Goldman, NOAA Public Affairs Rob Gutro, NASA Earth Science News Team A.J. Hostetler, Richmond Times-Dispatch Robert Lee Hotz, Los Angeles Times Richard Kerr, Science David Kestenbaum, National Public Radio Arthur Landwehr, German Public Radio (ARD/SWR) Heike Langenberg, Nature Emilie Lorditch, Discoveries and Breakthroughs Peter Macinnis, ABC Radio (Australia) Stephen Maran, American Astronomical Society Richard Monastersky, Chronicle of Higher Education Madeleine Nash, Time Tora Omuta, Asahi Shimbun Sid Perkins, Science News Christy Reed, Geotimes Frank Roylance, Baltimore Sun Ben Sherman, National Sea Grant College Program Randy Showstack, Eos Diane Tennant, Virginian-Pilot Dan Vergano, USA Today Peter Vermij, Freelance Kasey White, Joint Oceanographic Institutions Corinna Wu, Science Update ********** 7. Press Registration Eligibility (repeated from Media Advisories 1 and 2) Press registrants receive a badge that allows access to any of the scientific sessions of the meeting, as well as to the Press Room, Briefing Room, and other events specifically for media representatives. No one will be admitted without a valid badge. A registration form will be found at the end of this message. Eligibility for press registration is limited to the following persons: Working press representing bona fide news media with a press card, business card, or letter of introduction from an editor of the publication. Freelance science writers, presenting a current membership card from NASW, a regional affiliate of NASW, CSWA, SEJ, or ISWA, or evidence of bylined work pertaining to science intended for the general public and published in 2001 or 2002. Public information officers of scientific societies, educational institutions, and government agencies. Note: Representatives of the business side of news media, publishing houses, and of for-profit corporations must register at the main registration desk and pay the appropriate fees. 8. Press Registration Form (repeated from Media Advisories 1 and 2) If possible, please use the online submission form at [http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/sm02pressreg_cgi.html]. If you prefer to e-mail, fax, or mail the form below, please do not send back this entire media advisory, just the form itself. Send it to: Harvey Leifert AGU 2000 Florida Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20009 USA Email: [email protected] Fax: +1 202-328-0566 *** 2002 Spring Meeting Press Registration Form *** Name (to be printed on badge): Media or organizational affiliation: Mailing Address: Telephone: Fax: Email Address: If freelancer: Check below one basis of your eligibility below and bring relevant proof to meeting. _____ Member of NASW _____ Regional affiliate of NASW _____ CSWA _____ ISWA _____ SEJ _____ Letter from recognized publication assigning you to cover this meeting _____ Evidence of bylined science story published in 2001 or 2002 Abstracts: Indicate preference for book or CD-ROM version (Check one box below) ____ I prefer a CD-ROM in advance of the meeting. ____ I prefer a bound volume in advance of the meeting. How shall we send the abstracts? ____ Send Abstracts to me at the above address by USPS. ____ Send Abstracts to me at the above address (no P.O. Boxes!) via express service ____ Do not send Abstracts in advance; hold for me in the Press Room. Name of express service (e.g. FedEx, UPS, etc.): Class of service (e.g. next day, 2nd day, etc.): My Account Number: |