April 2002 From American Geophysical Union Media Advisory 2 - 2002 spring meeting Abstracts and program now online; press registration form Contents1. Abstracts Online A. Searching for Abstracts of Interest to You B. Finding Sessions at Spring Meeting 2. Press Conferences in Development 3. Press Registration Eligibility 4. Press Registration Form ********** 1. Abstracts Online All abstracts for 2002 Spring Meeting have been posted on the AGU web site and may be accessed by a search tool: http://www.agu.org/meetings/waissm02adv.html A. Searching for Abstracts of Interest to You Reporters and public information officers may search for abstracts of particular interest to them, by looking up any the following parameters on the search tool above: Name of a scientist Name of an institution (e.g., university, government agency) Geographic location (e.g., city, state, or country) Topic (e.g., volcano, Io, erosion)
Up to three search parameters may be combined (e.g., presentations on earthquakes by scientists in Pennsylvania). Full instructions are included on the search page. Note: In searching for abstracts from a particular institution, it is often more effective to search by e-mail address than by the name of the institution. The latter may be written in different ways by various authors (e.g., UCLA, University of California, Los Angeles, Univ. of Cal. at Los Angeles, etc.), but all of their e-mail addresses will presumably include "ucla." The search key word "Affiliation" covers both names of institutions and their locations (e.g., look for either Yale@ or New Haven@ under Affiliation). The CD-ROM and printed volume of abstracts for this meeting will be available in May. They will be sent at that time to Press Room registrants who have requested them, while supplies last. (See Press Registration Form, below.) B. Finding Sessions at Spring Meeting The names, numerical designations, dates, times, and room numbers of all Meeting sessions have been posted on the AGU web site at http://agu.org/meetings/sm02glan.html By clicking on the name of a Section (e.g., Hydrology, Atmospheric Science), all of the sessions under that Section's auspices will be displayed. Clicking on any of these sessions will open a list of papers and/or posters associated with that session. Clicking on the name of a particular paper will open its abstract, including name and contact information for the lead author. Many sessions are jointly sponsored by two or more Sections. Union Sessions have the broadest interdisciplinary appeal. Room numbers beginning "WCC" simply refer to Washington Convention Center. Sessions in Hall D are poster sessions. ********** 2. Press Conferences in Development We are currently in the process of organizing press conferences on some of Spring Meeting's newsworthy sessions. We will send an advisory with a preliminary listing of press conferences early in May and the detailed list, including days, times, and participants, about a week before the meeting. For science writers who cannot attend the meeting, we will have a conference call system by which you can dial in and listen to the presentations and even ask questions. Details will be provided in a subsequent advisory. ********** 3. Press Registration Eligibility (repeated from Media Advisory 1) Press registrants receive a badge that allows access to any of the scientific sessions of the meeting, as well as to the Press Room, Briefing Room, and other events specifically for media representatives. No one will be admitted without a valid badge. A registration form will be found at the end of this message. Eligibility for press registration is limited to the following persons: A. Working press representing bona fide news media with a press card, business card, or letter of introduction from an editor of the publication. B. Freelance science writers, presenting a current membership card from NASW, a regional affiliate of NASW, CSWA, SEJ, or ISWA, or evidence of bylined work pertaining to science intended for the general public and published in 2001 or 2002. C. Public information officers of scientific societies, educational institutions, and government agencies. Note: Representatives of the business side of news media, publishing houses, and of for-profit corporations must register at the main registration desk and pay the appropriate fees. 4. Press Registration Form (repeated from Media Advisory 1) If possible, please use the online submission form at [http://www.agu.org/sci_soc/sm02pressreg_cgi.html]. If you prefer to e-mail, fax, or mail the form below, please do not send back this entire media advisory, just the form itself. Send it to: Harvey Leifert AGU 2000 Florida Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20009 USA Email: [email protected] Fax: +1 202-328-0566 *** 2002 Spring Meeting Press Registration Form *** Name (to be printed on badge): Media or organizational affiliation: Mailing Address: Telephone: Fax: Email Address: If freelancer: Check below one basis of your eligibility below and bring relevant proof to meeting. _____ Member of NASW _____ Regional affiliate of NASW _____ CSWA _____ ISWA _____ SEJ _____ Letter from recognized publication assigning you to cover this meeting _____ Evidence of bylined science story published in 2001 or 2002 Abstracts: Indicate preference for book or CD-ROM version (Check one box below) ____ I prefer a CD-ROM in advance of the meeting. ____ I prefer a bound volume in advance of the meeting. How shall we send the abstracts? ____ Send Abstracts to me at the above address by USPS. ____ Send Abstracts to me at the above address (no P.O. Boxes!) via express service ____ Do not send Abstracts in advance; hold for me in the Press Room.
Name of express service (e.g. FedEx, UPS, etc.): Class of service (e.g. next day, 2nd day, etc.): My Account Number: