September 2002 From National Science Foundation Workshop on neutrinos and subterranean science to determine roadmap for the future Leading experts from around the world will report on the latest developments in subterranean research in a workshop in Washington D.C. funded by the National Science Foundation and organized by the University of Maryland.**************************************** What: International Workshop on Neutrinos and Subterranean' Science (Ness 02) When: Sept. 19-21, 2002 (Press Conference: Sept. 19, 12:30 pm) Where: Washington Hilton and Towers, Washington D.C. **************************************** Topics will include: � Experimental and theoretical perspectives on underground science � Astrophysics, cosmology, and fundamental physics � High energy neutrino experiments � Geophysics, geochemistry and geological engineering � Biology (search for new life forms in extreme environments) � National security � Education and outreach Speakers will include: � Joseph Bordogna, National Science Foundation (Deputy Director) � Joe Dehmer, National Science Foundation � John Ellis, European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN) � Michael Turner, University of Chicago � Stuart Freedman, University of California, Berkeley � Tullis Onstott, Princeton University � Barry Barish, California Institute of Technology � John Bahcall, Institute for Advanced Study � Tom Gaisser, University of Delaware Press Registration: http://www.physics.umd.edu/ness02/media/registration.html Attendee Registration: http://www.physics.umd.edu/ness02 Media Contacts: University of Maryland: Karrie Sue Hawbaker, 301-405-5945, [email protected] National Science Foundation: Mary Hanson, 703-292-8070, [email protected]