September 2002 From National Science Foundation NSF invites science journalists to workshop exploring microbial life on earth Science journalists are invited to attend a Principal Investigator's Workshop for researchers exploring the diversity of microbial life on Earth at the National Science Foundation in Arlington, Va., Sept. 23-24.The workshop will start each day at 8:30 a.m. Dr. Mary Ann Moran of the University of Georgia and Dr. Sherry Cady of Portland State University organized the workshop for researchers funded through the National Science Foundation Microbial Observatory and Life in Extreme Environments Programs. Attending the workshop sessions will be scientists discovering and characterizing new forms of microbial life from a variety of natural environments that range from the extreme and unusual - such as hydrothermal vents, hypersaline lakes and the guts of insects - to the familiar, like coastal ocean waters and agricultural soils. Their discovery toolkits include using genome sequencing on complex environmental samples, and "gene chips" to study novel microbial communities and their properties. A two-hour poster session will start at 3:45 p.m. Monday and will profile the Microbial Observatory, the Life in Extreme Environments program, and other NSF microbial biology projects. Journalists who plan to attend must call Manny Van Pelt, the National Science Foundation's biosciences public affairs officer, at 703- 292-8070 before arriving to be included on the access list for a particular day's workshop sessions. A security access pass is required. What: Microbial Observatory and Life in Extreme Environments Programs Workshop When: Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 23-24, 2002 at 8 a.m. Where: National Science Foundation, Stafford II Building, 5th Floor, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, Va. (Ballston Metro stop) For more information contact: Ronald Weiner, 703-292-7144, [email protected] Matthew Kane, 703-292-7186, [email protected] Gary Toranzos, 703-292-8442, [email protected] Manny Van Pelt, 703-292-8070, [email protected]
For directions to NSF, see: http://www.nsf.gov/home/visit/visitjump.htm |