June 2002

From National Science Foundation

NSF and Discover Panel: Bringing math to life

In U.S. society, where affluence and quality of life largely depend on mathematically based information technologies, less than a fifth of high school seniors are considered "proficient" in math, according to statistics from the National Science Foundation (NSF).

NSF and Discover Magazine are jointly sponsoring a roundtable discussion in which a panel of experts will examine this paradox, emphasize the importance of math in daily life, and suggest actions.

NSF investments in the mathematical and statistical sciences are expected to increase significantly, starting with the fiscal 2003 budget request, in recognition of math as the language of science.

What: Roundtable - "Does Math Matter?"


  • Eric Haseltine, Executive Vice President of Research and Development, Inc., Walt Disney Imagineering (moderator)
  • Alan Chodos, Associate Executive Officer, American Physical Society
  • John Conway, Professor of Mathematics, Princeton University
  • Keith Devlin, Executive Director of the Center for the Study of Language and Information
  • Brenda Dietrich, Department Manager, Mathematical Sciences of Thomas J. Watson Research Center, IBM
  • Michael Hawley, Director of Special Projects and Founder of MIT's GO Expedition
  • Sheila Tobias, author, Overcoming Math Anxiety (via teleconference)

When: 9:30 a.m. -- noon, Tuesday, June 11 (breakfast served)

Where: Hart Senate Office Building, Room 902

To register contact: Jamie V. Smith, 703-292-8070, [email protected] or e-mail [email protected]

For more information, contact:
Media only: Peter West, 703-292-8070, [email protected]
Others: Susan Mason, 703-292-8070, [email protected]

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