February 2002

From American Chemical Society

World's largest scientific society announces subjects, dates for 2002 ACS ProSpectives Conferences

The American Chemical Society's 2002 ACS ProSpectives Conference series will focus on six areas of rapidly evolving interdisciplinary research. Process chemistry, drug delivery, combinatorial chemistry, catalysis and proteomics are the topics, and emphasis will be on significant research initiatives and their potential marketplace applications.

The conferences, which are limited to 200 senior-level industry scientists, feature extended presentations from 15-20 leading experts in each field. "We purposely keep our events small, because it is easier for participants to meet and converse with one another at smaller, rather than larger conferences," according to ACS ProSpectives program director, John Katz.

The ACS ProSpectives Conferences are in addition to the Society's two national meetings and its eight to 10 regional meetings held annually. Following are the topics, conference chairs, dates, and locations for the five confirmed ACS ProSpectives Conferences. Details about the sixth conference will be available later this year.

Process Chemistry in the Pharmaceutical Industry -- Program focuses on the art of building organic molecules in the process chemistry industry while operating within regulatory constraints.

Kumar Gadamasetti, Consultant; Mike Martinelli, Eli Lilly; Prof. Istvan Marko, Universit� Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Melia Hotel
Barcelona, Spain
February 24-27, 2002

Catalysis in Modern Organic Synthesis -- Using catalytic methods in organic synthesis, especially for pharmaceutical applications.

Steve Buchwald, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); Gregory Fu, MIT; Eric Jacobsen, Harvard
Cambridge Marriott
Boston, MA
September 8-11, 2002

Combinatorial Chemistry -- New synthetic methods for library synthesis, latest advances in purification and analysis, and emerging technologies in combinatorial chemistry.

Andrew Combs, Bristol-Myers Squibb; Jack Hodges, Pfizer
Lansdowne Conference Center
Leesburg, VA
September 22-25, 2002

Drug Delivery -- Determining new opportunities for drug delivery. Special focus will be on gene delivery, cell delivery and growth, molecular design of improved biomacromolecular carriers, micro-imprinting and bionanotechnology.

Robert Langer, MIT; Nicholas Peppas, Purdue; Patrick Couvreur, Universit� Paris-Sud
Boston Park Plaza Hotel
Boston, MA
October 13-16, 2002

Proteomics -- Using proteomics technologies to understand protein interactions, dynamics, and regulation.

John Yates III, Scripps Research Institute; Joshua LaBaer, Harvard Medical School
Boston Park Plaza Hotel
Cambridge, MA
November 10-13, 2002

Further details about the ACS ProSpective Conferences, including instructions on how to register and arrange for lodging, are available at www.acsprospectives.org. This site will be updated regularly with the latest information about the upcoming conferences.
(EDITOR'S NOTE) -- News media wishing to attend the conference should contact Charmayne Marsh at 202-872-4445 or at [email protected]).

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004

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