March 2002 Contact: Charmayne Marsh 202-872-4445 407-685-8070 (April 4-11) American Chemical Society World's largest scientific society recognizes successes of female friendly corporations ORLANDO, Fla., April 8 -- The American Chemical Society's online employment web site, JobSpectrum.org, will present a panel of corporate professionals discussing the work environment and climate for women in major scientific corporations at the society's national meeting on Monday, April 8. The panel supports the Women Chemists Committee in celebration of their 75th anniversary and honors women in the chemical workplace. JobSpectrum.org (http://www.jobspectrum.org), selected the panel from representatives of the 100 best companies in 2001 in WorkingMother magazine, and will address: Factors that determine women-friendly work environments. What to look for in an employer to determine women-friendly environments. How to initiate change in cultures that are not women-friendly. WHAT: Factors of success: women-friendly workplaces WHEN: Monday, April 8, 3:00 p.m. WHERE: Orlando, Fla., Orange County Convention Center, Room 304C, Level Three WHO: Frankie Wood-Black, Facilitator Technology Services Marketing Manager Phillips Petroleum Borger, Texas Elsa Reichmanis President-elect, American Chemical Society Director of Materials Research Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies Murray Hill, N.J. The diversity strategy of Lucent Technologies is a business imperative and has three principles: all people, different ideas and world-class results. Women in Leadership at Lucent Technologies (WILL) is one of the business partner groups for diversity. Mentoring programs to assist women in becoming quickly integrated into the workplace environment is the goal of WILL. Lucent also offers the Bell Labs women and family oriented programs, such as flexible work arrangements, family resource programs and family care development fund. D. Ronald Webb Manager, Doctoral Recruiting and University Relations Miami Valley Laboratories Proctor & Gamble Company Cincinnati, Ohio A.G. Lafley, President and CEO of Proctor & Gamble, places "�particular importance on increasing the representation of women and minorities in leadership positions at all levels of the company." According to their October 2001 advancement results, 38 women are at the Vice President/General Manager/Manager level, and approximately 300 women are at the Associate Director and Director level. P&G's women and family-friendly environment values retention, mentoring and support, with specific programs for women such as Black Women's Development Network, Women Directors and Above in R&D, Mentor-Up, and Women Supporting Women Workshop. Sharon Larkin Divisional Vice President Human Resources Programs and Business Integration Abbott Laboratories Abbott Park, Ill. Women represent 48 percent of the U.S. employees at this 114-year old company. Abbott Laboratories offers an inclusive career environment, a full array of benefits and competitive compensation, and seeks to integrate the personal and professional lives of its employees. Advancing women is a top priority in the company's corporate strategy. Abbott's corporate commitment includes oversight from the Executive Inclusion Council, which seeks to make change happen with support from top management. The company has three areas of focus: hiring and advancement, leadership development, and culture and environment. Success for female employees is based on opportunities to advance, response to life changes and family emergencies, and a balance of career and family. Lisa Marrufo Manager, Diversity and HR Compliance BP America Production Company Houston, Texas BP's executives and senior managers promote diversity, inclusion, and work and life balance as a "business case" imperative. The company's core benefit programs includes women-friendly tools such as adoption assistance, business travel dependent care reimbursement, on-site or near site daycare, company--sponsored daycare discounts, concierge services, and teleconferencing to reduce business travel. There are also special training programs such as time management, stress relief, and infant and child CPR. The company promotes a nurturing work environment where everyone can grow as a professional and thrive. | |