March 2002

Contact: Charmayne Marsh
407-685-8070 (April 4-11)
American Chemical Society

White House Science Advisor addresses energy issues at ACS meeting

ORLANDO, Fla., April 7 -- White House Science Advisor John Marburger will speak about the federal investment in science and technology -- and how it affects energy conservation, efficiency and production -- when the American Chemical Society, the world's largest scientific society, opens a four-day national meeting April 7 in Orlando.

Marburger and a distinguished panel of experts from industry and academia will examine the role of science and technology across and through a range of areas such as nuclear, petroleum, carbon and climate change, fuel cells, alternative energy sources and sustainable mobility.

The event, sponsored by ACS president Eli Pearce, Ph.D., university research professor at Polytechnic University in Brooklyn, N.Y., highlights the first day's lineup of activities as the Society opens its 223rd national meeting, April 7-11.

Energy for the Future: What can science & technology bring to the table?

Sunday, April 7

Rosen Centre, Grand Ballroom

1 p.m.
Arnold Baker,
Sandia National Laboratories and President, U.S. Association of Energy Economists

1:40 p.m
Michael Ramage,
Executive Vice President, retired, ExxonMobil

2:10 p.m.
Panel discussion:
Greg Choppin, University of Florida
Michael Ramage, ExxonMobil, retired
Steve Pacala, Princeton University
Juan Figueroa, DuPont
Ralph Overend, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Ken Hass, Ford Motor Company

4 p.m.
John Marburger,
Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004

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