From: Zuckerman Fernandes & Partners

Honey in the medicine cabinet!

Honey researchers to discuss honey's role in medicine and functional foods

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Beekeepers, scientists, honey packers and marketing representatives will meet to discuss the future of the beekeeping industry at Apimondia '99, an International Apicultural Congress to be held in Vancouver, BC, September 12 through 18, 1999. This year's theme is "Beekeeping in the New Millennium," and of particular importance is the research into honey's promise for use in medicine, and as a functional food ingredient.

On Tuesday, September 13, Dr. Peter C. Molan, Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Waikato, New Zealand will be the keynote speaker at a plenary session entitled "The Scientific Basis of Apitherapy." In his presentation "Establishing Honey as a Recognized Medicine," Dr. Molan will present the latest research results of the effectiveness of honey against the antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria that pose a real problem for infection control in hospitals. These so-called "super bugs" are as sensitive as the normal strains to the antibacterial activity of honey.

Numerous clinical trials have demonstrated that honey dressings rapidly clear bacteria from infected wounds. A clinical trial has also demonstrated that simply dressing with honey is just as effective as aggressive surgical removal of infected tissue as a treatment for necrotising fasciitis, the "flesh-eating" bacteria. Dr. Molan will also present research results showing the effectiveness of honey in killing the streptococci that cause that infection.

Dr. Molan heads The University of Waikato Honey Research Unit which is recognized for its expertise in the composition of honey and its antimicrobial activity.

The Honey Research Unit is involved in research on a wide variety of topics such as:

  • Assessment of methods of the effectiveness of the antibacterial properties of honey against bacterial species involved in infection of wounds
  • Clinical trials of honey as a wound dressing
  • Assessment of the effectiveness of the antibacterial properties of honey against bacterial species involved in gastroenteritis.
  • Identification of the oligosaccharide constituents of honey that are growth factors for probiotic bifidocbacteria.
  • Comparing honeys for their content of components with antioxidant activity.

Honey research is being conducted throughout the world. To facilitate the sharing of scientific information, Dr. Peter Molan and Peter Martin, Q.P. Services, U.K. will co-chair a scientific roundtable discussion at Apimondia'99 on Monday September 12 at 7:30 P.M. Scientists involved in pharmaceutical and nutraceutical honey research will discuss their current work and future research needs.

For information, contact Mary Ann Johnson at 415/268-5421 or [email protected] . For research information contact Dr. Molan at [email protected]

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004