From: University of the Witwatersrand

Scientists discover beetle that cures water fern menace

Scientists from Wits University and the Plant Protection Research Institute have developed a cure to one of South Africa's biggest water menaces: the water fern, which has been clogging waterways and suffocating lakes.

They have isolated a tiny beetle stenopelmus rufinasus that will eat the weed known as Azolla filiculoides and clear dams and lakes without hurting any other plants or animal life.

Mr Andrew McConnachie, a postgraduate Zoology student and his supervisor, Dr Marcus Byrne, received financial and logistical support from Dr Martin Hill of the PPRI, which is part of the Agricultural Research Council. The whole project has received funding from the Water Research Commission.

Media conference
Thursday 24 June 1999, 10:00am, Room G017, Oppenheimer Life Sciences Building, East Campus, Wits University. Parking at the Wedge. The scientists will present their research and give a slide presentation.

For more information, contact Martha Molete on Tel: 27-11-716-3525 Andrew McConnachie: Cell: 27-83-297-1334; Home: 27-11-974-9450 Dr Marcus Byrne: Work: 27-11-716-3989; Home: 27-11-888-4557 Dr Martin Hill: Work: 27-12-329-3269; Home: 27-12-329-5743

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