From: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

Environment in Eastern Europe benefits from Swedish funding

Swedish EPA is intensifying its environmental co-operation with Eastern Europe. Some SEK 45m from the Swedish International Development Agency will be used over three years to build up efficient environmental administrations and to bring about co-operation regarding transboundary water-courses. Aid is also given towards preparations for EU-membership and new projects have started in Russia.

Two new agreements have been signed by Sida's deputy director general Staffan Herrström and Swedish EPA director Rolf Annerberg resulting in SEK 45m being made available towards EPA's projects in Eastern Europe.

"The transfer of knowledge provided by Swedish EPA is an important part of Swedish environmental aid to Eastern Europe", says Staffan Herrström.

"Not only does environmental aid help to increase competence, but important neighbourly relations are developed through such co-operation", he adds.

SEK 15m will be used towards protecting three large transboundary watercourses: Lake Peipus Narva, shared by Russia and Estonia, the river Daugava/Zapadnaja-Dvina, running through Russia, Belorussia and Latvia and the river Nemunas, shared by Russia, Belorussia and Lithuania. The rivers are responsible for around 15 per cent of all waterborne nitrogen transported to the Baltic Sea. The aim is to establish co-operation between these countries regarding an environment-friendly use of the watercourses. Such co-operation could also enhance security policy.

"We are now in a much better position to work effectively and also to start new and bigger projects during the next three years", Rolf Annerberg says. Above all, we want to support the Baltic countries in their EU-accession negotiations, including the introduction of, and compliance with the "acquis communitaire" and environmental programmes. We have received grants from the EU Commission towards this work", he adds.

Other urgent tasks include the implementation of the Helsinki Convention action programme and Baltic 21, i.e. working towards a sustainable development in the Baltic region.

Russian projects

Swedish EPA has worked together with Russian environmental authorities for some time. The co-operation now becomes stronger as SEK15m will be used for various projects in Russia during the next three years.

"We would like to see environmental information for decision makers and the public becoming more accessible. There is also a great need for education and training regarding up-to-date environmental working methods", says Bo Libert, responsible for Swedish EPA's Eastern Europe programme.

Swedish EPA also wants to support water protection in the Kola-river in Murmansk and conservation of the large virgin forests in north-west Russia. Efforts to reduce industrial discharges in St. Petersburg will also be supported.

Sweden co-operates with countries in Central and Eastern Europe. The aim is to promote security, enhance democracy, support a sustainable economic transformation and improve the environment. Sida funds the activities since 1995.

Swedish EPA has been involved in various projects since 1993. Around SEK 60m have been spent during the period on around 130 projects. Important areas for collaboration include water protection, conservation and waste management, as well as management training and environmental information. Co-operation is most extensive with Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Russia.

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004