1999 From: Porter Novelli
Announcement of new consumer medical internet serviceTHE AMA AND MAJOR MEDICAL SOCIETIES ANNOUNCE NEW CONSUMER INTERNET SERVICE WHAT: A media briefing to unveil the first national physician society-owned health care service on the Internet that delivers credible content to consumers and patients, and connects them with their own physicians. This site is controlled by medical societies, the finest source of medical information for physicians and patients. WHEN: Thursday, Oct. 28, 1999 at 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Breakfast will be served WHERE: Salon Vendome at the Le Parker-Meridien, 3rd Floor, 119 West 56th Street (Between 6th and 7th) in New York, NY To participate via telephone, please call 888-677-5722, passcode 27170 WHO: Physician leaders from societies including The American Medical Association, The American Academy of Pediatrics, The American Academy of Ophthalmology and The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Speakers will be available for one-on-one interviews. CONTACT: Elisia Greiner or Stephanie Decker at Porter Novelli (212) 601-8083 or 8055