1999 From: Public Health Reports
May/June 1999 Table Of ContentsPublic Health Reports Volume 114, Number 3, May/June 1999 Table of Contents Building the Next Generation of Healthy People Julius B. Richmond HRSA's Models That Work Program: Implications for Improving Access to Primary Health Care Regan L. Crump, Marilyn H. Gaston, Gerard Fergerson Viewpoint Medicaid Managed Care and Public Health Data George W. Rutherford, Howard D. Backer Viewpoint Sharing Responsibility for the Public's Health Michael A. Stoto PHOTO ESSAY From Social Drinking-to Public Problems Photos by Karl Baden SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS Pesticide Poisoning Development of a Surveillance Program for Occupational Pesticide Poisoning: Lessons Learned and Future Directions Patricia G. Schnitzer, Jackilen Shannon Echovirus 30 Viral Meningitis in Child Care Center Staff and Parents: An Outbreak of Echovirus 30 Infections Janet C. Mohle-Boetani, et al. Asthma Asthma Prevalence among American Indian and Alaska Native Children James W. Stout, Marianne Sullivan, et al. STDs Domestic Violence and Sexually Transmitted Diseases: The Experience of Prenatal Care Patients Sandra L. Martin, Louis S. Matza, et al. Registries Cross-Matching TB and AIDS Registries: TB Patients with HIV Co-Infection, United States, 1993-1994 Marisa Moore, Eugene McCray, Ida M. Onorato DEPARTMENTS EDITORIAL NEWS & NOTES OVERSEAS OBSERVER Extreme Exposure Charles Guest NCHS DATALINE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOLS OF PUBLIC HEALTH WRITING FOR PHR ADVERTISEMENT