1999 From: New York University
NYU workshop will bring together leading researchers on nano-technology, DNA computing, and genomicsNYU's Courant Institute to host workshop on mathematical problems in the molecular sciences New York University will bring together a select group of outstanding researchers to share their most recent work on nano-technology, DNA computing, and genomics. The workshop will feature presentations by Harvard University's George Whiteside, a 1999 National Medal of Science winner, NYU's computer scientist Bud Mishra, University of Wisconsin's chemist Lloyd Smith and NYU's chemistry professor Ned Seeman, winner of the 1995 Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology. The workshop is being sponsored by New York University's Courant Institute for Mathematical Science and the Office of the Dean for Science. It was organized by NYU professors Bud Mishra, Ned Seeman, and Misha Gromov. Requests for interviews with conference organizers and participants should be directed to Josh Plaut at 212-998-6797. LOCATION: NYU Courant Institute, Room 109, Warren Weaver Hall, 251 Mercer St, at 4th Street. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9 9:30 am: OPENING REMARKS Peter Lennie, Dean for Science, New York University Dave McLaughlin, Director, Courant Institute Misha Gromov, New York University
10:00 am: MOLECULAR DESIGN -- MESO-SCALE SELF-ASSEMBLY George Whitesides, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University 10:50 am: MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN BIOMOLECULAR SCIENCE Steven A. Benner, Departments of Chemistry and Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville 11:40 am: DNA NANOTECHNOLOGY Nadrian C. Seeman, Department of Chemistry, New York University 2:00 pm: MOLECULAR ARCHITECTURE IN THE DESIGN OF SELF-ASSEMBLING SYSTEMS Samuel I. Stupp, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University 2:50 pm: DNA COMPUTERS: RNA SOLUTIONS TO CHESS PROBLEMS Laura Landweber, Departments of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University 4:00 pm: DNA COMPUTATIONS ON SURFACES Lloyd M. Smith, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison 4:50 pm: ALGORITHMIC SELF-ASSEMBLY OF DNA Erik Winfree, Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University 5:40 pm: CLOSING REMARKS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 10 9:30 am: SELECTED ISSUES IN HUMAN MOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS: POTENTIAL MATHEMATICAL TARGETS Isidore E. Edelman, M.D., Director of the Columbia Genome Center, Columbia University 10:20 am: LINGUISTIC COMPLEXITY OF SEQUENCES WITH OVERLAPPING CODES Edward N. Trifonov, Department of Structural Biology, The Weizmann Institute of Science 11:20 am: COMPARATIVE PROTEIN STRUCTURE MODELING IN GENOMICS Andrej Sali, The Rockefeller University 12:10 pm: 0-1 LAWS FOR SINGLE MOLECULES Bud Mishra, Courant Institute, NYU 1:00 pm: CLOSING REMARKS