1999 From: New Scientist
A Simple Jab Could Save Women From An Irritating InfectionTRIALS of the world's first vaccine against persistent bladder and urinary tract infections (UTIs) are due to begin in humans at the end of the year. This follows successful animals studies in which the vaccine gave complete protection against UTIs to three out of the four monkeys that received it, according to the vaccine's developer, Sol Langermann of MedImmune, based in Gaithersburg, Maryland. The vaccine targets Escherichia coli, the bacterium that accounts for 85 per cent of all urinary tract and bladder infections, including cystitis. Recipients of the vaccine make antibodies that prevent the bacteria from gaining their usual foothold on the wall of the bladder. Like many other species of bacteria, E. coli cells are covered with hairlike projections called pili. At the tip of its pili, E. coli has adhesins, sucker-like proteins which clamp onto tissues and enable the bacteria to establish an infection. Langermann and his colleagues discovered that one adhesin, called FimH, enables E. coli to get a grip on the bladder wall. "We've shown it's vital for infection," says Langermann. The vaccine contains a synthetic replica of FimH. Vaccinated animals make antibodies designed to trap the replica, but which are equally capable of trapping FimH adhesins made by live E. coli bacteria. With their "suckers" blocked, they cannot colonise the bladder wall. MedImmune has submitted the results of its monkey experiments for publication, and plans to begin clinical trials in women by the end of this year. Women are more prone to such infections because their urethras are much shorter, so bacteria can easily reach the bladder. By the age of 30, half of all women have had at least one infection, and of these, a quarter go on to have recurrent infections. But if the vaccine lives up to expectations, that could be about to change. Author: Andy Coghlan New Scientist issue 13th February 1999 US CONTACT - Barbara Thurlow, New Scientist Washington office: Tel: 202-452-1178 or email [email protected] PLEASE MENTION NEW SCIENTIST AS THE SOURCE OF THIS ARTICLE