From: Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Cedars-Sinai Medical Tipsheet (B) For March 29

Prenatal Program Pushes The Frontiers Of Diagnosis From The Second Trimester Into The First
With three-dimensional ultrasound, genetic testing procedures that can now be done in the first trimester of pregnancy, and a medical staff that is nationally recognized for its size and leadership in research, the prenatal diagnostics program at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center gives women access to the very latest techniques at the very earliest opportunity.

New, Better Medications Can Nip Allegy Season In The Bud
Although studies suggest that the number of people with allergies is growing, there are now highly effective medications available that do not produce unwanted side effects such as drowsiness. People with allergy-triggered asthma can also benefit from these medications along with prescribed cortisone sprays, which contain steroids that reduce inflammation.

Housewide Pain Management Initiative Designed To Effect Faster Healing By Reducing Pain
A new housewide pain management initiative at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center is designed to effect faster, more complete healing by reducing patient pain using a variety of interventions. According to Linda Burnes Bolton, Dr. P.H., R.N., FAAN, Vice President of Clinical Services and Chief Nursing Officer, this program is unique in that it brings together techniques from a wide range of disciplines, including behavioral interventions, to help minimize both acute and chronic pain. Led by a multi-disciplinary Pain Management Committee, the program includes 10 physicians, psychologists, and a dentist specially trained in pain management, as well as a recently-hired pain management pharmacist who specializes in helping to identify the best pain medications for each patient.

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This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004