1999 From: Center for Study of Gene Structure & Function, Hunter College, CUNY
Virtual education? Critical perspectivesA symposium on Virtual Higher Education will be held on Friday, October 15th, 1999 at Hunter College of The City University of New York (CUNY). The event is part of Hunter's Fourth Annual Fall Celebration and is sponsored by the Anthropology and Psychology Section of New York Academy of Sciences, the Center for Study of Gene Structure and Function of Hunter College and the Instructional Technology Group of Hunter College. The symposium is funded by the Research Centers in Minority Institutions Program of the National Institutes of Health and the New York Academy of Sciences. Sixteen speakers including such renowned scholars on education, technology and society as Neil Postman of the Department of Communication and Culture at New York University and David Noble from the Division of Social Science of York University of Toronto will honor the one-day event. This is a hot topic in education today and we anticipate dynamic and informative discussions. A preliminary program can be found on the symposium website: http://sonhouse.hunter.cuny.edu/virtual/ The symposium is free of charge, however, registration is necessary. You can register on-line, by phone, or via e-mail. Also, on site registration will be available.
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