From: BMJ-British Medical Journal

Sharia Punishment, Treatment and Speaking Out

(Supporting sharia or providing treatment the International Committee of the Red Cross) BMJ Volume 319 14 August 1999 pp445-6

(Learning to express dissent: Medecins Sans Frontieres) BMJ Volume 319 14 August 1999 pp446-7

The International Committee of the Red Cross and Medecins Sans Frontieres discuss the ethical dilemma posed by working in countries operating under sharia law, such as in Afghanistan. Should aid organisations continue to provide health care in countries where amputation after a conviction is the norm? should they treat a person who has been punished, or would this make the organisation complicit in a practice that is recognised as contrary to human rights?

Contact: Dr Pierre Perrin, Chief Medical Officer, International Committee of the Red Cross, Geneva, Switzerland
[email protected]

Hanna Nolan, Humanitarian Affairs Adviser, Mdecins Sans Frontires, Amsterdam, Netherlands
[email protected]

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004