From: American Psychoanalytic Association

Database technology threatens liberty

Draconian Medical Records Provisions Added to Financial Services Modernization Bill

Washington, DC- As the nation begins the Fourth of July weekend, with its celebration of freedom, one of the foundations of freedom is being eroded.

Medical records privacy provisions which have been added to the financial services modernization bill (H.R. 10) would allow for extensive disclosures without the informed, voluntary consent of the patient and with virtually no limits placed on certain disclosures. H.R. 10 would drastically diminish the confidentiality between patient and doctor.

Leon Hoffman, MD, spokesperson of the American Psychoanalytic Association (APSA), warns that "it's a terribly frightening proposition for our citizens to have their medical records, without their knowledge or consent, open to inspection by almost anyone and be sold to the highest bidder." (And bid they do. Drug companies and hospitals spend $15 billion a year on technology used to mine medical data.)

The medical records provisions of H.R. 10 undermine patient privacy and quality health care and should be deleted from the bill. As the bill stands now, the medical records provisions of H.R. 10 would:

  • Allow extensive disclosures without the consent or even the knowledge of patients.
  • Allow law enforcement entities virtually unfettered access to medical
  • records;
  • Allow life insurers, auto insurers, and even insurers providing travel
  • cancellation insurance to view records;
  • Allow insurance companies to routinely access patients' entire medical records without patient consent;
  • Allow unlimited subsequent disclosures of medical records.
  • Allow recipients of the medical records to sell them to malpractice
  • attorneys seeking potential clients, tabloids seeking publicity, etc.

Dr. Hoffman is available for further comment about the pending medical records legislation. To reach Dr. Hoffman, call 212-249-1163 or email [email protected].

This article comes from Science Blog. Copyright � 2004