1999 From: Aldo Leopold Leadership Program
Fellowship application deadline for ALLPDon't Miss the August 31, 1999, Application Deadline! Are you interested in becoming a more effective communicator of scientific information? Have you heard about the Aldo Leopold Leadership Program? We are an all-expense-paid program training environmental scientists to be effective communicators of scientific information. The program trains a select group of 20 environmental scientists each year for three years. Upon completion of the training, Leopold Leadership Fellows will have the skills to share scientific knowledge about environmental issues with the media, policy makers, and the private sector. The 20 individuals trained each year will be primarily tenured academic environmental scientists who are active in research and teaching, and who desire to take a leadership role in communicating environmental science more broadly. The training sessions will include five modules: "Providing Leadership within the Scientific Community," "Providing Scientific Input to the Policy Process," "Communicating with the Media," "Interacting with the Business and Corporate Sectors," and "Working with Non-Government Organizations." For more information about applying to the program, visit our website: http://www.leopold.orst.edu, or contact Dr. Judith Vergun, Project Director, at [email protected], or Dr. Jane Lubchenco, Steering Committee Chair, at [email protected] .
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