1999 From: American Heart Association
AHA Scientific Conference On Compliance In Healthcare And ResearchTO: Writers, editors, broadcasters and assignment editors FROM: Bruce Lewis: 214-706-1397; email [email protected] WHAT: AHA Scientific Conference on Compliance in Healthcare and Research April 29-30, 1999, The Westin Hotel, Waltham-Boston, Mass. REGISTRATION: Please complete and return the attached forms. NEWSROOM: A fully equipped and staffed newsroom will be provided for working members of the media. Abstracts, programs, news releases and news conference summaries will be available. HIGHLIGHTS: - Doctor Accountablility: The New Expanded Role
- A Picture of Atherosclerosis in Blood Vessels is Worth a Thousand Words
- Kid Empowerment in Prevention of Heart Disease
- Telephone Follow-Up: The Doctor's New Calling Card
- Stopping the Hospital 'Bounce Back'
'..and much more' Please send as soon as possible: Registration form; mail or fax to AHA News Media Relations: see below for fax and address.If you have any questions about hotel reservations, contact Karen Astle at 214-706-1392; fax 214-706-5243; or mail to American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Ave., Dallas, TX 75231.